Monday, October 11, 2010

The Grand Bazaar, Urumqi *by JS*

The word Bazaar found its origin in Persia which is basically modern Iran today. Equivalent word found in Turkey is Pazar or in Greek it's call Pazan. Closer to home we call it “pasar” and the same word in Chinese dialect used in Malaysia is pasak……and in Thailand it’s all “talat”.

Somehow all these words conjure the same meaning and differ only slightly in pronunciation although geographically, the country of origin of each of these words are spread half way around the world!

The word bazaar is usually synonymous with mystic and romance of the market place, scent of frankincense and myrth, expensive saffron threads, middle eastern spices, antiques...........all the way to the other extreme end where we get ........counterfeit antiques, russian goods and lastly stolen goods.

This bazaar in not that much different in terms of offer.

nuts and raisins


more silverware

Russian babushka doll

more babushka dolls!!

Russian binoculars.


Aladdin Lamp??
big bronze vases
authentic endangered species skin!!!

A Uyghur vendor......

and mind you......they are good negotiators

typical store selling basically the same stuff.

After walking around for was time for a break......A bit of diversion here......after 3 days of Xinjiang Uyghur cuisine, guess we needed re-orientate our taste buds on taste and here goes.

yes, col saunders bring it on!!

crispy fried chicken........better tasting than KUL ones.

and they serve custard egg tarts too!

with flaky pastry and soft egg custard that melts in your mouth!!!!

I must say that we are now forever indebted to col saunders .....what a welcoming sight it was....haha!!

Back to our main topic.......

The grand bazaar in Urumqi is definitely an attraction for tourist and i find it pretty authentic. Like any bazaars around the world one need to haggle and negotiate for the best price but then again this does add to the fun and bazaar like atmosphere. After wondering around for a while , one begin to wonder whether you are somewhere in a Moroccan or Turkish bazaar as the merchandize sold here are very "un-chinese" like!

The grand bazaar in Urumqi is build around the city centre square. It is divided into 4 sections and believe you me, one can spend days wondering around inside!

the tower and the mosque is the landmark where the grand bazaar is located.

Also like any bazaars around the world, one should not be caught off guard buying gemstone and precious metal like jade, gold, silver, etc. In short there is no guarantee of authenticity. One last advice.....always safeguard yourself against professional pick pockets. A perfect holiday can easily be ruin by being a victim of such clandestine activity. Remember what's in front of you is yours......what's behind is anybody's!

Happy traveling to you world travelers!


  1. apa ini makan KFC in beautiful Urumqi??? How do u know that the KFC there taste better? U dun even eat KFC here????

    wat is that strange erected fluffy animal called WTF?

  2. It's a fox. I think it's something that ladies use as scarf!!

  3. js photo macam magazine punya standard lar...YC ur blog so pro now..hahaha..

  4. MC: Yeah I stressed giler coz readers would expect this quality in the future...GAH!!!!

  5. Hmmmmmm..just pick up sai fan shue n start using n I m sure yr pics will be just as nice :))))

  6. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Nice pics js!

    I wonder how much are they selling the aladdin lamp? :P


  7. Elly.. The lamps come in different sizes. The normal size one is about rm30 to 50 after negotiation. Basically u haggle 40% of asking price n u get about 50% discount!

  8. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Wow! Thats pretty good price for a piece of 'art' with workmanship like that. I guess when it reaches Malaysia, the price will easily shoot up like 400-500%!

    AAarrgghhhh....I need a shopping holiday!


  9. hye Elly

    the thing are really cheap in Xinjiang. For instance, the cowboy type hat only RM5 each!!
    BTW sending this from my spanking new imac at new place.......haven't move in yet but the place is ready for occupancy.....monkey busy cleaning plates :)

  10. Anonymous2:53 PM


    Oh yeah, with the rate she is going, when exactly u guys will move in?????


  11. in exactly one weeks time we should be moved in.......keep fingers X :)

  12. -_-" haiiizzz...I bz cleaning plate u bz playing ur new IMAC!!!! I worked till i pancit!!!! GAH!!!!

  13. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Building a home of ur own is never easy plus js's super high can die standard (quote from monkey), its gonna be harder! Hahaha.....take more pics n post up ya?

    u both have an exquisite taste!


  14. Elly: Hi Elly :))) yes so u should understand my predicament in meeting those type of standards...

    Now u also understand why I kenot cook...not that I can't but the results will never meet his standard...he said it's inedible wor :((((

  15. Anonymous2:46 PM


    But u really have to give credit to js loh. The things that he cooked look super delicious leh!

    Sigh, wanna rain dy here at Puchong. How abt ur place there?

    Is ok wei, u can full use your talent - EAT!!!

