Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First Dinner.....with new neighbour

Chinese says, the first meal at the new home is very important
so all dishes must be auspicious
the lights at home must all be lighted
u must at least use the rice cooker
boil water with the kettle
and heat up the oven
well firing away on the stove is a must too

We r so confirmed China Apeks lar

so fr the pic u can see that the wet kitchen was in total mess
with mise-en-place all over

anyway for those who dun und the term
mise-en-place = french term defined by the culinary institute
consisting of "setup" ingredients used in cooking
in short "everything in place"

I learnt this word 6 years ago through reading books by celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain
Monkey couldn't cook then but still enjoyed reading em
6 years later....Monkey still couldn't cook....kekekekkeke
so in a nutshell I was not born to cook....
the dry kitchen was in a mess too
preparation of salad and plating of cold food was done here
did I tell u that the 2 Apeks aka JS & Monkey wore RED
to add to the auspiciousness?
kekekekekkekeke more like CNY already
Wagyu Beef marble 9
while he was bz doin up the preparation Monkey did the table setup
can't remember how to fold napkin...so just simply pakai hentam
so why is the fork on the other side?
coz our 1st course was a pasta :))))
burgundy glasses were out too :))))))))))))
Head Chef plating the 1st course
the famous creation by Chef Gunther - cold cappellini
reinterpreted by JS minus the caviar *caviar is still siting inside the fridge, terlupa*
with a huge dollop of Sea Urchin aka Uni/Ooni
JS bought 2 trays of sea urchin freshly flown in that very same morning
and it was all gone...our guests can really eat!!!!!!!
the fresh sweet prawns were superb

this pasta is very clinically, preparation all done cold
with ice cold water and the toppings were all RAW and COLD
the vinegar was the killer.....pressie fr Si Fu
it cost bout SGD 780 per small bottle T_T

Off topic:
Monkey: "we need to get everything NEW for groceries, do not bring over fr old place. I will get em later."
JS: "But...but...but I wanna bring that vinegar over...."

Monkey: "NO...I SAID everything has got to be NEW."
JS: "But but but it is a pressie and it's NEW....moreover it is so expensive."

Monkey: "ok like how much????? WAT???? It's NEW? SO EXP!!! okie get it over."
simple salad with dijon mustard dressing
not to forget some fresh bread
this was bought, no time to move house, clean place and bake bread....
it takes time coz need hours to prove
all covered with fragrant basil leaves
2nd course was a linguine with prawns in tomato basil sauce
Prawns were fire up quickly to give it that crunch and texture plus "wok hei"
the oil were so beautiful, JS made it outta the prawn heads earlier
hey friends, remember this?
this round minus the egg....just plain rice fried with fats fr the Wagyu beef
topped with finely chopped spring onions
wagyu beef was slightly overdone coz the oven was new and we need time to re-adjust
thanks to its multi layer of fats in between the meat...it was extremely juicy
no sauce needed for this....
presenting our New Neighbour
Prince C & I Ching....kekekekekekeke
no seriously they are our neighbour :P
who stay just the next block and we can alwiz wave each other hi fr their balcony to our kitchen
another China Apek oso came in RED :P
spot the other Artemide Castore at the corner?
just hold its stem to Dim/Increase/off this stand lights....cool eh?
I Ching putting the final touch to the souffle
it was still so early when dessert was served :P
Raspberry souffle served with very tiny amount of Vanilla Ice cream
very audacious of JS to make souffle with a new oven
and it turned out perfect.....
his first attempt in making a raspberry souffle
yep everything fr scratch as usual :))))
2 burgs, white and red
beautiful Leflaive....so beautiful
its nose was so outstanding that the palate was over shadowed by it

and for the RED our favourite Vosne Romanee - Dujac
*was trying to book an appointment with them this December but difficult coz they are too bz to receive guests at that time of the year - bz pruning wor.......*

so wat do u think of our very First Dinner? :))))))))
I had to say my tummy had a whale of time :P
Thank u to Mr. JS for whipping up yummy food


  1. thevi9:27 AM

    I. Want. Iron. Chef. J.S. Wagyu. Beef. Chow. Faan.


    Lovely home!

  2. Hot Mama Thevi: u want? ok ok take take all u want.

    How is the move at ur end? :) Muscles aching or not? Mine still aching today!!!

  3. Anonymous10:59 AM

    oh babe! The new place looks amazing! I love the hot pink wall! Its so you! As for the dinner, what can I say? When is JS gonna open a restaurant???



  4. Aiseh man.........me ready to cook anytime!!:))

  5. Elly: Thanks Elly :)) JS kenot open a restaurant like u...coz he will tell the customers "U eat wat I cook ok. Now shuddup n eat."

    JS: more cooking for u on the 5th

  6. Seriously looking forward to it =)

  7. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Not a problem at all! I will really shut up and eat! Haha!

  8. yc...old ppl say mus take pineapple n golek around the house then will "ong"...hahaha...

  9. Nee Lee: me oso lookin fwd to it..:D

    Elly: wahhhh so easy kena bought over liao

    MC: ya kar??? aiks...I missed tat...

  10. when's my turn? hahahaha
