Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Luncheon @ GattoPardo, Singapore

think this was way back in June 2010????

The above was definitely not a shot of Grappa *though they do serve it here*
it was just a glass of cold water
Monkey is never a fan of grappa
*had too much of those at my previous job*
painting of a lemon tree
it's very very Sicilian :))))))

GattoPardo is opened by our dearie friend Chef Lino
whom hails fr Sardinia, Sicily...
yes we must visit Sicily when he is goin balik kampung :))
alwiz good to have locals taking u around....

freshly baked bread on an olive oval bread bowl
there were various types of bread including the famous grissini
this concept is very Sicilian coz you dun see display of fresh seafood on any other Italian Restaurant
spot the Russian caviar there?
some important seabass from the Mediterranean sea....
must be very good coz it's about SGD 98 each

Hello Sebastian!!! wat r u doin inside????
Turbot fish was even more expensive - SGD 298

various cuts of ham
so waxy and yummy, just melts in ur mouth :)))))))))))

lurve this salad of Lino - off the menu
a simple one with aragula, cheese, oranges and nuts
anyway whenever we dine there, it's alwiz off the menu...
just rest assured that Chef Lino will bring out the very best fr his kitchen.
only need to tell him when to stop :P

this one almost like a galzone but it's very thin and crusty
wrapped inside this yummy crust were high quality cheese!!!!
ohhhhhh gawwdddd craving for this now.....

and more thin crusty pizza fr his stone oven :))))))))
the famous insalata caprese

lurve all his stone/clayware
we are cappelini fanatics!!!! but not easy to cook coz it's thin so need to be delicate

zucchini pasta with chili flakes
Italians can eat really really spicy too

his vegetarian pasta is alwiz awesome
the above was an asparagus and brinjal pasta

it's lunch folks...so go easy on the wines
easy on wines but never easy on desserts :P
Cannoli is also very very sicilian
look at the loads of pistachios!!!!!
sponge cake dipped generously in liquor
it was so dense in liquor I almost got tipsy eating this....hahahhahaa

can't wait to return to GattoPardo :)))))))))))))
111 Canning Walk,
Fort Canning,
Singapore 178881.
Tel: +65 6338 5498

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