Thursday, September 23, 2010

Let there be Lights - KWC Eve

looking so Alien? like some parts fr an UFO?
it's actually a tap/aerator
dun believe it?
award winning design by KWC with multiple prizes
very avant garde looking
this technology is called LUMINAQUA by KWC

with the light illumination it's like a display of lights and water
very innovative

so magical rite?
water is source of life...and so is light
this design is indeed very meaningful
and nice to have....think it will be great to put it at a bar at clubs

anyway JS saw this months ago and GASP *like how I gawk at bags*
and like a 5 year old he insisted that we must have it
well ok...until Ms Monkey saw its price tag

"We are not getting it........>:( "

JS: "but hey look.....see see see"
*and begun to torture the poor tap/aerator*

lights on lights off lights on lights off
water on water off water on water off
while all the sales consultants looking and beaming with smiles as they are bound to make more commission fr this

T_T why are all men behaving like kiddos at times/most of the time?

and a few months later..........
..............*I think u know *................*somehow u guessed it rite*......
lights off
lights on

it's sitting like GOD in our dry kitchen
all it needs to do is lights on and lights off
-_- haiiiiizzzzz

u can also pull it down to serve as an aerator

my questions...why do u need lights on a tap???????????
to shine wat?????
all the other LED lights not enuff izzit?

JS was beaming fr ear to ear the day it was installed and was so worried
when it doesn't "lights on/off" at the first touch

folding my arms and rolling my eyes and gritting my teeth: "U need to turn the main switch on at its power source -_-"
JS: "Oh ok ok ok ok"

*slaps forehead*

I would never ever spend this amount on a tap
unless it does my dishes *which I have Mr. Bosch*
cooks for me and makes yummy drinks for me
oh yea it's more expensive than Mr. Bosch...mad crazy!!!

read more about this Swiss product that brings lights to your home:


  1. Cherry, it really is an amazing design! I saw one of those taps that does "hot water in an instant & yet saves electricity" and I was sold!

    I love this tap alot too! Kekeke..

  2. TL, must be an engineer thing :))

  3. JS, have you seen the "air multiplier" aka as fan by Dyson? It has no blades & produces an uninterrupted stream of smooth air. Ok, I know Msia we don't use that much fans but it's really cool.

  4. Yes, saw it at a promo counter at isetan the other day. Will definitely get one for the new place to "circulate" the air so it's not stale.
    It's actually quite expensive for a fan :))

  5. TL: wat amazing tap is that? Do u have the name so we can google it? :)

    JS: oh yea we saw that weird fan :P
