Monday, September 13, 2010

The Intern aka The Frenchie's Bday @ Zouk

Monkey & Sab *Baby Wei's BFF*

we were at Zouk to celebrate Sweet Devil Rachel's intern bday
let's call him The Frenchie whom also has got French Moroccan blood whom resides in London
very The Frenchie will do for now
Monkey, Baby Wei, Sab, Eewern

yeah I was with the glass the whole nite
it's COKE for goodness sake....
I was so so sober ~~~~~

didn't wanna take the risk and feed the police fat fat coz it was puasa month and happened to be the very last weekend for them to cari makan...
The Frenchie, Macho Mani, Sweet Devil Rachel
they were teaching The Frenchi cam-whoring the Malaysian style
finger on ur teeth/lips
The Frenchie wouldn't stop
it was like this the whole nite T_T
let me teach the Msian way bro!!!!
Gemologist May & Sweet Devil
told ya she's a Devil....tried to strip ppl in the Club
Group picture~~~~
only Monkey was doin the cam-whoring the Msian style
anyway who started this??????? 
and who said this was the Msian style??????
The Frenchie waiting for his Flaming Lambo to be prepared
never like this......can just hit me straight up the brain
but it's a bday tradition!!!!!
look my glass is empty
anyway the whole nite i was with the same glass of coke :P
TQ to Sweet Devil for organising this partay!!!!
TQ to Macho Mani for taking care of the gals the whole nite
fr other malicious clubbers
last group pic with the Bday boy

short posting today
Monkey is still at Land Beneath the Wind
and got throat infection for the past 3 days

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