Wednesday, September 29, 2010

HRH's birthday :)))

the boys grown up so much again huh?
can they can eat a lot!!!!
GOE was in Sabah as well......
to shoot pics of exotic birds
birds as in those with crow feet, feathers, beak and wings~~~~~~
this crazy man waited 5 hours in the rain by the river....inside the JUNGLE
just for the sight of a very very specific bird
but trust me the pics are really amazing
even NatGeo won't get that sort of pics :)))))))))))

Note: mind u, GOE is indeed God of Eatery but he's not an environmentalist. :P He's just that into birds. His actual profession/industry = financial institution
J&J were in Sabah for the first time
James looking all tanned after the fishing trip :P
Eve & Bernard da fact everyone was so burnt!!!!!
wines of the nite....we were surprised by the selections that they have in Peppino
we dun have any stocks at home in Sabah and too risky to carry over
coz u still need to rest the wines for at least 3 months after being moved around
Prince C, Eve, GOE
the three of them share the same birthday, diff year of coz
Prince C & I Ching
she just celebrated her bday last nite :)))))))) at Cilantro
wif some special arrangement at the venue, I had to prompt Prince C just in case he got O_O
Happy Birthday again I Ching!!!!!! Hugs~~~~~
JS was black and Monkey was pale
yep I was sick throughout my stay in Sabah :P
Her Royal Highness
lurve her cheeks!!! it was glowing with such pinkiness!!!!
no blusher nor cosmetic here folks!!!!
and she's so strong being one of the top golfer in town
anyway the whole family of JS are almost...almost professional golfers

on fridges *yes they have more than 2 fridge at home -_-*
were newspapers cutout on their achievements, winnings
and also hole-in-one...

Bernard da Joker has got 4 hole-in-one under his belts :P
while HRH alwiz....alwiz wins big in tournaments

J&J Jelina was reading the cutouts on the fridge(s)
J&J: "WAHHH Auntie u are a Datin!!!!"
HRH: "No no no, I'm a very low profile Datin."
I wonder when r the boys gonna pick up golf?
soon maybe? :))))))
with guests fr Singapore and Ipoh....heheheheheh
yummy cheesecake was GOE's favourite!!!
HRH makes very good cheesecakes too but this one was created by Shangri-la
all of us hogging the main entrance of Peppino

see see the boys are the tallest!!!
and they are still growing O_O
what did your mother/father feed u????

Note to Flatmate Amy,
wat did GOE brought back for u fr Sabah? :)))))))))))
I didn't see him carrying fishes caught fr the trip/fuzhou noodles/chilis


  1. Ok, I cannot tell already, who is fmaily & who isn't?? Whisper in my ears....

  2. TL: errrr......hehehehhehe
