Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sexay Back Maggie's CRIB

Sexay Back moved to a new home recently
and to officiate the move we had to crash ourselves into her house

house warming mar....and to make it warmer we had to do a BBQ
guess she had headache accommodating all her noisy friends like us
and all the smoke fr our yummy BBQ
*poor neighbours*
Shy Chatwin was already starting the fire when we arrived
with him was BBQ King Vick

BBQ King Vick indeed earned his title
brought items such as GLOVES
no one would have thought of that rite?
and somehow managed to rummaged through the trash and got an unused broom stick
to handle the charcoal....
how innovative :))))
while the men were busy fire-start-ing
the ladies were inside the air cond home monkey-ing around
heeeeeeeeeeee :)))
feeling the baby......
Beautiful CS can't wait for CS junior to come out.....
errr think there's another 3 more months to go?
JS was there too to cook :D
huge prawns which Sexay Back bought fr the market early morning
specialty of BBQ King Vick - yummy marinated lamb chop *ohhh yummm*
sweet japanese corn
marinated char siew by Sexay Back
some sotongs
portobello mushrooms
french load
chicken wings...
Poor Macho Mani....he was the victim of the nite....all the ladies were buggin him
Devigaga: "Mie mie.......I want!!!!"
Hot Mama Thevi made fingerlicious roast pork ribs
looked so caramelized kan?
they were :D

Devigaga who claimed she can't cooked made the above fr scratch
special beef balls in rosemary tomato sauce
she even made the balls fr scratch -_-"
Hot Mama Thevi with Lil Stu
not it's not Stuart it's Baby Aiden!!!!
OMG macam cop kilang!!!!
we oso have a sexay mixologist in da house
drinks were plenty running like errrr rivers???
BBQ King indeed has such deep passion for BBQ
he was glued to the grill the whole nite
whole slab of Wagyu Rib
JS the so called iron chef who has now turned into a fried rice chef
was busy preparing the beef
everyone must contribute/bring something
so Monkey made the easiest - SALAD!!!
why r u not surprised kan?
caramelised grapes with aragula salad served with aged balsamic vinegar
this one Si Fu taught me years back :D
Sweet Devil Rachel brought a huge tub of sausages
and were gone *well almost gone* in minutes
Devigaga, Sweet Devil Rachel, Beautiful CS, Sexay Back, Baby Wei, Baby Aiden, Hot Mama Thevi, Macho Mani, Sara
fried rice for BBQ???
for those who needed their carbs...
fats and oil fr the beef were used to fry the above
with free range kampung chicken eggs
Baby Wei brought the cakes!!!!
how come the bday gal brought the cakes????
count the candles count it count em!!!!!!
Sweet Devil Rachel: "Mie miee.....I want....."
I dunno wat the gals want the whole nite...but been buggin poor Mie Mie...I want this and that.
wat wat wat??? wat u looking at?
Sexay Back with Shy Chatwin
Shy Chatwin: "weiii wat is this?? it's not my bday?"
nvm lar...so many pretty gals wanna snap pic with u....u untung lor!!!!
Monkey, Baby Wei, Sexay Back Maggie, Hawt Babe Shen, Encee, Beautiful CS, Sweet Devil Rachel
Allan came later with Shen....well at least the men dun go to poor Macho Mani and bug him with....I want I want!!!!!!
confirmed tipsy dy.....
the 2 preggies sat confortably
they were not allowed to do anything cept EAT
and it was so salah coz the preggies brought whisky and other alcos :P
"Mie mie...why u so fair on the inside?"
poor Macho Mani

Hawt Babe Shen will soon be our neighbour
at Serai Saujana!!!!!
well I hope u'll stay slightly longer at your new residence instead of the usual touch and go
eppy ppl after eppy food and eppy drinks

Thank u to all for making this happen
and all the chefs/cooks esp the men
*lip smacking thinking bout the lamb and beef*

and of coz thank you to Sexay Back Maggie for letting us thrashing her home :)))
and polluting the air of her neighborhood with charcoal smell

Happy Birthday again Babe!!!!!

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