Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kome Japanese Restaurant @ Keppel Club, Singapore

Kome was established in 2008 by Chef Lawrence Chia
our very dear friend :)
We've been followers of him since 2006?
moving along with him as he moved fr one establishment to the other

one of the very few awards this place won

Kome is fuss free, simple and traditional
with personalised service
that's wat we alwiz look for
the total dining experience from food to service
conical of salt at the entrance
this is to ward off bad spirits in traditional japanese custom

ingredients are flown in from Tokyo Tsukiji Market
and u can't get any fresher than this :D
small but packed with wholesome oyster juiciness
served with a dash of soyu and scallions
Sweet japanese tomatoes served on its own with sprinkle of sea salt
the green vege was not its leaves but a very refreshing type of salad leaves
that has got this crystalised texture on top
and it has such good crunch as though the leaves were freeze-snapped
weird but yummy!!!
sashimi of sweet japanese prawns
Chef Lawrence sizzled it with hot garlic oil at the end
just a lil....like a small teaspoon to give it a yummy kick
He worked so fast with such precision
as though there's an invisible ruler for him to measure the size of sashimis
my favourite!!!!!! sweet and fresh sea urchin
sea urchin is like one of the best food ever
good on its own, good with pasta, good with rice good with everything lar
but never try before steamed sea urchin custard as dessert though :P
Chef Lawrence don't close ur eyes when u r torching the scallops
u'll burn the scallops!!!!
slicing torro the most prized part of a tuna in lightning bolt speed
nice deco!!!
its meat were gone to sashimi which was served together....
then this poor skeleton was not wasted and was turned into..............

yummy friend fish skeletons
more yummy sashimis
and since Monkey was so into cute stuffs
Chef Lawrence threw in some cute baby tomatoes in vine
looked like berries but tasted like power packed tomatoes
grilled opercle of a fish
opercle is basically the gill cover of a fish
its meat are very smooth with high fat content

as Chef Lawrence was busy with his creation
we were busy feeding ourselves...kekekekeke
the root looked so weird right?
it's FRESH WASABI roots...
we don't take powder/instant form wasabi coz it's so different fr the freshly grated ones

those meat on a huge shell is Pen Shell
it's a HUGE saltwater shell and its meat were super juicy
usually eaten raw

the innards of the Pen Shell were not wasted
and was fried with creamy japanese butter
oh yum!!!!!
pressed white baits crackers
eaten with mayo
it's crunchy!!!
more sashimis were rolling outta his counter
tempura is a must in any traditional japanese dinner
for a simple dinner we had a simple but beautiful palate of Chambolle Musigny
and also sake

Kome served a variety of sake and wines and champagnes
you are allowed to BYO with no corkages
*double yippeeeee*
another all time favourites the fin of a flounder fish
it's so crunchy and sweet

most sushi were eaten on its own without soyu
coz it's so fresh and tasty on its own
u won't wanna drench it with soyu
look at that piece of torro
can't see the rice bit...hahaha
we lurve our sushis with less rice
sushi of snow crab and caviar

by this time the four of us just gave up!!!!
no more!!!!

Chef Lawrence: "That's all? NOOO I have more food to serve u...u are just at the sushi stage only!!!"

NOoooo don't think we can walk anymore....
pls end the dinner and proceed to dessert
anyhow this miso base soup of sweet japanese clams was the last
imported black sesame ice creams
the best one fr Japan :))))))))))
can taste the fragrant of roasted black sesame
japanese musk melons are in season now
and more ice creams!!!!
even ice creams also have so many courses...kekekekeke

there was once GOE and gang spent 12 hours eating and drinking here
from 12 noon till midnite :P
MAD PPL!!!!!!
Dinos the Great and Saint Veeny all the way from Cyprus
Chef Lawrence looked so different without his white hat
Chef Lawrence sent us out and made sure we hopped into the cab safely
he is one helluva chef with jovial and bubbly personality
be sure of a very personalised service and do make reservation to be seated at his sushi counter
so u can watch him work :))))))))

Kome Japanese Restaurant,
Keppel Club,
Bukit Chermin Road,
Singapore 109918.
Tel: +65 6273 0118


  1. OMG!!!! the abundance of uni!!

  2. Kindy Chai: HAHAHA it's never abundance...:P alwiz not enuff :P

    I just realises recently it is also yummy eaten wrapped with crispy seaweed :P and a small lil dollop of freshly grated wasabi.

