Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Baby Wei's Bday at il Lido

Birthday gal in fact took "off" on her birthday
but somehow due to our hectic schedule....we only have that day for this luncheon
poor gal had to come back for it but I am sure it's worth it
kekekekke rite?

Baby Wei turned Young 24....but still looked like 18
"eh u hired an underaged gal?"
"is she ur intern?"
no I dun take interns nor any employee under the bracket age of 22 years old
coz that's below the "graduated" age

no interns pls...
coz they whined too much nor appreciate my training
wat is wrong with young ppl these days?
either I'm getting old or the world is changing

the rosemary and sweet onions focaccia never fail
yummy on its own :))) or with the extra virgin olive oil
with apple green palate
amuse bouche of cheese and caviar
Chris da Boss wanna be 24 again...
errrr even 42 oso kenot pass liao lar...
1st course of leek and potato soup with truffles
il Lido serve quick fast and most of all fuss free lunch set everyday cept Sunday
you get to choose from a few choices
the other 1st course was a Salmon Tartare with oranges and capers
Mommy Jacky looked so stoned..
she's still recovering fr her sickness and lethargy..
and she's still sick as we speak...gawd it's been weeks...
get well soon!!!!!

fr her expression, Baby Wei was rather pleased with her birthday card
can't find any cuter ones that suits u!!!!
with that irritating musical voice singing Happy Birthday....kekekekekkeke
main course was a choice of squid ink tonnarelli with squid and cherry tomatoes and basil
80% of us went for the porkie!!!!
pork roulade with cheese and parma ham served with baby spinach topped with dill
minimalist flower arrangement
that's H2O that he's drinking....
no alcos during working hours unless "there's no choice"
wow Louis Vuitton of......
an imported Japanese Fuji Apple!!!! *not LV*
this is how u'll looked like if u pout ur lips more
heheheheh :)))))))))))))
what's inside that PRADA box?
a lovely rose ring!!!
Baby Wei is a ring person
Baby Wei got Cartier as well
another Rose petal ring in ivory color
by this time, Baby Wei was kinda tired opening all the boxes of pressie
wrapped in luxury boxes...all her favourite brand...kakkakakaka
gawdd...not again??? she must be wondering wat's inside this time

TIFFANY envelope shaped leather card holder in its famous tiffany turquoise colour
yesss that's your pressie and the final more liao
must do a photoshoot first
eh's not the end yet...more pressie to come
a cute slipper hair clip by Mommy Jacky
and a soft toy!!!!
why is she pointing there?

coz the freaky toy looked like Boss wor....
notice the similarities?
tip 1: the neckwear
tip 2: the eyes.....-.-

Baby Wei: "I'm gonna use this as my voodoo doll!!!!" 
*and started poking the poor freaky soft toy with her fingers*
Baby Wei: "I want pay raise I want pay raise I want pay raise!!!!!!*
Baby Wei, I think u poked your freaky toy too much lar
look at Chris Da Boss.....
prollie u ter-poke his "tongue nerve"
medley of desserts~~~
molten lava chocolate cake was oozing...with yumminess...
told ya u ter-poke the wrong points and nerves..
see Chris da Boss went cuckoo and started feeding the voodoo doll
so not him -_-"

not poor boss...
poor voodoo doll.....dun think he enjoys tea

Happy Birthday again Baby Wei
u r still a baby...hehehehehe


  1. thank you so much for the post... mwahsssssss xoxo =D

  2. Baby Wei: eppy to know u enjoyed it. :)))))

  3. Anonymous7:52 AM

