Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lim Kee, Kuchai Lama

This post is dedicated to J&J James & Jelina
next time when u r down in KL we'll have their yummylicious fish head curry kay?
chili padi and soy sauce is a must on every chinese dining table
dun care wat u eat...this is like a compulsory accompaniment
the other usual one would be pickled green chilis
we were craving for fish head curry + hokkien mee
so where else to go cept Lim Kee Eatery at Kuchai Lama
they have shifted from the wooden shack under the tree to the grey colored shop lots
just right opposite the road....
the above was not the chef...but their maid adding more "wok-hei" after the dishes came out fr its main kitchen.

so all in all they have 3 kitchens....if the above is counted as one :P
service is alwiz gruff and friendly
Auntie Fatty asked us: "why so long neva come?"
"no kaki to come here lar....need big group to eat can enjoy all your yummy dishes"
fish head curry is not their specialty
somehow it's so yummy that soon it will bcame their specialty

we alwiz wondered....could it be the curry powder that they used
coz it's has such distinctive aroma to it.
and lotsa lotsa vege...
the trick was to pre-deep fried all the vege first before throwing em back to the hotpot
we slurp-ed everything down to the last drop of its gravy
hokkien mee with crispy crunchy porkie lard on top
the other specialty of theirs
fried glass noodle with condiments
served with bittergourd on the side
topped with crushed crispy pork lard on top
so u can't see them....but as u chomp on the glass noodle
it's everywhere!!!!!!
yes vege looked so normal....
but bcoz of their ferocious gas fire...
it has such wok-hei-ness
very very good!!!!
we lurve crunchy greens..
not soggy soft ones
Lim Kee Eatery
Off Jalan Kuchai Lama,
Kuchai Lama, Kuala Lumpur.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hokkien mee and crispy pork lard!!! i definitely need to eat this next time i am bck!

  3. Kindy Chai: Oh yes u must!!! I'll bring u there :)))))))))

  4. Hi Cher-ry! Yummylicious food, must go try but can i know where is the restaurant located exactly ? :)

  5. Hi Cher-ry! Yummylicious food, must go try but can i know where is the restaurant located exactly ? :)

  6. Eric: Hi Eric tq for dropping by. Below is the map. It is along Jalan 2/114. If you can't access this link let me know and I'll email to you. :),101.694712&sspn=0.039253,0.055189&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Kuchai+Lama,+Kuala+Lumpur,+Federal+Territory+of+Kuala+Lumpur&ll=3.090904,101.677608&spn=0.004907,0.006899&z=17

  7. Thank You ! :)
