Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Gavin & Gabby

everyone all dressed up to go!!!!
told ya the boys outgrew all of us...and they are only 14 and 16
I kinda missed them when they were so cute and chubby :P
Bernard da Joker looked like Wong Fei Hung though
*jeng jeng jeng*
the wedding was held at the Infinity chapel in Conrad Hotel, Tanjong Benoa Bali.
Gavin is Bernard's nephew so me & JS were kinda distance relative :P
and we are honored to be invited to witness this beautiful event :))))))))))
the Infinity Chapel overlooks the sea
Bishop Datuk Albert Vun was flown in for this special ocassion
fr the Anglican Diocese of Sabah
Sean and daughter Nyla all the way fr England
she's so adorable and everyone was fighting to carry her
Carla *Nyla's mommy* was busy registering for everyone
with Gavin the groom looking so nervous here...
can almost see his sweats :P

the infinity chapel sits on top of this area
so all guests need to pass through to get inside
here monkey making her way with Susanna & Bernard da Joker
He's really really extremely nervous!!!!!

Gaby's best friends all lined up pretty in blue
and the ceremony begins......
Gaby's Uncle flew fr Holland to "give" her to Gavin
we sang through the ceremony
it was a very beautiful exchange of vows and rings
no pics though coz the Bishop warned all the guests beforehand?
Bishop Datuk Albert: "We have a professional photographer here, so pics during the ceremony"

Monkey & JS were :(((((((((
and official photographer during the wedding was Malaysia No.1 Louis Pang
ok will blog about the man himself much later
it was an honor to meet him too
I lurve their story
how they met :)

Gavin took a very important decision 3 years ago, by agreeing to his boss
that he'll manage the business in Indonesia
and one fine day, as God as arranged for them to be together
Gavin met Gabby at a GYM
yessss in a gym!!!!
His Friends said it:
1) knowing Gavin, he's so did he gather the courage to walk up to beautiful Gabby and said hi
*Gabby is Honda's ambassador in Indonesia*
2) and why the heck is he doin in a GYM...coz he's definitely not a gym person

somehow they are meant to be joined together
the way which God has led them.
so perfect together
as Bishop said it, Marrige is just the beginning of a very long and challenging journey

submit to one another out of reverence for Christ
wives, submit to their husbands as to the Lord
for the Husband is the head of the Wife
as Christ is the head of the Church

Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church
and gave himself up for her to make her holy,
cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.
and to present her to himself as a radiant church
without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish but holy and blameless

he added that the Husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies.
He who loves his wife loves himself

my thoughts:
in this modern world, we really need to work
EXTREMELY hard to achieve all of the above
for there's too many challenges & evilness
sorry I just spoilt the mood :P
Gavin and his side of family
with sister + husband who flew in fr London
Wonder Annie and hubby

Wonder Annie taught me how to bake blueberry muffins
she runs the largest cooking studio in Sabah
and is also the sole distributor for beautiful kitchenware like KitchenAid
Gaby's side of family...
everyone so well coordinated!!!!!!
Gavin's side of family with all the nieces and newphews
and uncles and aunties
can u spot cute lil Nyla in mommy's cradle?
so many ppl lurve to snap pic here..
we have so many pics taken fr this angle

this will be part 1 of the many wedding post of Gavin & Gaby
give JS sometime to edit it

credits: All pics stolen fr JS's Canon EOS 1-D Mark IV

Many Congratulations again to Gavin & Gaby
Thank you for having us :)))))))))))
at the Island of Gods


  1. I would luv to attend Louis pang's 4 days course on wedding photography but nd 4 days of leave. Me struggling with saving leave for year end holiday!!! Incidently wedding photography will cover portrait snapping too so its worth the $$$.
    What a pity kenot attend unless Louis pang hold weekend course compress into 2 days :))

  2. go lor........I think it's worth it....TOTALLY!!!
