Friday, July 30, 2010


how could u not drool at the Bottega Veneta Early Autumn 2010 collection??
Monkey saw this at the boutique 3 weeks ago and.....
drooled like a one year old....
"kuuuuu kuuuuuuu kuuuuu I want.....:((((("

the soft intrecciato leather in the beautiful shades of rose pink
"kuuuuuuuuu I really want.....:(((("

oh dear Monkey pls hold on there....
I know this is the best collection with the best color EVER!!!!!!
but u soooo got to stop this bag addiction and stop buying....
"kuuuuuuu kuuuuuuu..........."

oh....I'm suffering so much........
seriously need help here

stop staring at the pic u damn it!!!!
and stop browsing that damn website!!!!!


  1. Nice ketupats! But I support your stop-bag-addiction effort :P

  2. Nee Lee: thank u.......u r the best!!!! muaksss!!!!!!
