Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kisik Restaurant, Ayana Resort

Kisik Restaurant is a true authentic seafood heaven
sits at the edge of the cliff in the mid tier
so it's still not that high
with your feet touching its sandy floor :)))))))))))))
a nice place to watch sunset in fact
we booked the best table with the best view *of coz*
right far at the end is Ayana's only jetty

u can book a private romantic dinner at the jetty for 2 person
*and it's fully booked every single day*
and be entertained by local music, personal butler and a yummy seafood dinner
in fact Ayana caters to many other customised romantic dinner at different exotic location inside its resort
from your villa to the cliff edge :P

JS and Monkey thought it's too stiff neck to have dinner like this :P
coz both of us made so much of noise :P
and I'll have to behave like a real laydee if we gonna have such romantic dinner
kekkekekekekkeke which is so not me!!!!
Indonesian coconuts are not as fragrant as the Thai's one
but Msian coconuts are nowhere in between

Balinese enjoys their coconut with a squeeze of a lime,
some sugar syrup and a few cubes of ice inside
to give it a yummy kick
they eat a lot of emping or rempeyek
it's a rice flour crackers with peanuts :)))))))))

nice view eh just by the cliff
and yet not too high
otherwise u dun hear the surfs and waves
but my bones creaking :P

there's no menu in Kisik
choose your fresh produce of the day
and ask for recommendation
their PRAWNS were huge it's almost like a lobster :P

these are lobsters!!!
since Bali water is so deep and faces the Indian Ocean
lots of deep sea fish can be found
and they are full of fats and oil so it's really really good

Gado gado - Indonesian salad
the secret lies in its peanut sauce :)))))))))))

our superlicious grilled snapper with balinese sauce
very fresh fish!!!!!
char-grilled prawns
the heads were as big as my knuckles!!!
dun need any dips at all
so good we ate it on its own

stir fried fresh sea clams
dunno wat sauce/style was this
it was very good we mopped up every single drop of its sauce :P
more like we wolfed down everything on the table

so u see how can these 2 have a romantic proper dinner
really kenot make it :P
Monkey looked so tired and sleepy
coz it was our 1st day in Bali
and we already did so much :)))))
*and ate so much :P*

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