Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Yulya & Angelos....lost in a trance..... in Msia

Both Dinos the Great & Saint Veeny were truly "Visit Malaysia" ambassadors
when their friends were planning a holiday to Mauritius, they managed to convinced the couple
to visit Langkawi and KL instead!!!!

and so Monkey tried to help Yulya & Angelos
to secure the best-est rate in Datai Langkawi
mana tau it's a special rate for Malaysian

anyhow they got a good package for a 10 days stay :))))))))))))
I'm so happy they enjoyed it thoroughly living in the green green lush
with birds and monkeys *real monkeys with tails* greetings them outside their chalet every morning
they flew to KL for a few days to see the twin towers, shopping and more local food
and specifically requested for street food
errr street food then Jalan Alor is the spot with more than 1,000 types of food

seriously I do not know where else to bring them
Cypriots have very discerning taste u know!!!!!
this apply esp to Dinos the Great

and we settled down at this famous "tai chow" with lotsa local delicacies
Monkey teaching the Cypriots on the hygiene requirements before u dine in Malaysia :P
first wipe the table with sanitizer.....then clean your hands with sanitizer :P

this place is famous for its grilled fishes with special dips and condiments
with its diff dips u can adjust the spiciness....
so i should say that it's tourist-friendly esp those who can't eat spicy
but in this case, it was not relevant coz Cypriots can really easy spicy stuffs
kam heong style clams
they lurved this a lot
and whack everything including the curry leaves and its thick sauce

another must try - hokkie noodle with lard and seafood
yeah the dish looked so RED!!!! blame it on the settings/camera :P
and blame me for not editing the pics :P lazy lazy lazy
black pepper crab
we also ordered frogs for them *sorry no pics*
brought Yulya outside to see the poor frogs inside the cage

Yulya: "Cherry!!! are we eating this?"
"Yessss we's very very nice. Muahhh."

both of them were so adventurous...tried it and lurve everything on the table
"it tasted like chicken!!!"
Angelos said it's REALLY REALLY GOOD AND YUMMY!!!!
and later wash down the black pepper crab with beer coz it's too spicy for him
he's the exceptional case for a cypriot
I missed my twiggy hair :D
made me looked so chubby like a baby....hehehehehe

next, the must try in Malaysia
King of fruits
Yulya trying hard to look pleased here
fr the quirk of her fingers u know she was "tahan-ing there"
they did not expect it to be this smelly!!!!!!

and also did not expected it to be so YUMMY!!!!!
both of them whacked all
I only like "mau-sang-wong"
translated to - Golden/King Fox Durian
when is it gonna be in season again???
JS can tolong help to source in Penang?
they really really like durians!!!!
Angelos: "It's like CUSTARD!!!!"
yes yes told ya I'll bring u for a very nice dessert so pls forget bout all the shaved ice and ice cream u see on the road

Yulya had really nice sweet pineapple
she said it's like paradise with all these food

come let's switch country for a month :))))))))))
Later Monkey & JS brought the tourists for more local delicacies
BBQ meat

*Dinos the Great's favourite*
**sorry this I can't courier to u**
***the last time I courier mooncakes to u was already so difficult at the Custom***

Please do come back again yea
will bring u for more eco-tourism :))))))))))

Dinos the Great & Saint Veeny.....when are u guys coming back???

Off topic:
there was a year when Dinos came back with Couchie George and Artemis
they went to have dim sum at Shanghai Marriott Hotel
and ordered everything on the menu
a few items didn't come coz ingredients were not available
so u see how these ppl can really eat!!!!!

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