Monday, May 03, 2010

Veal Sausage

Monkey's favourite food in Basel :P
Basel sits inside the border of France and Germany
more of German influence here and everyone speaks German.

Veal Sausages~~~~~
grilled until its outer skin crackles
served with a piece of rye bread and a pack of mustard!!!

my perfect lunch at work
well it's a luxury to steal some time out from the fair
and stand outside the sausage vendor in the cold
chomping my veal sausage with one hand and holding a bottle of coke light on the other
while speaking international/sign language with whoever that's standing beside me

"are u from HK? china? Taiwan? Japan??? Singapore??"
hmmm next time I'll wear a baju kurung so u ppl know I'm fr Malaysia
*if only the weather in Switzerland permits baju kurung :P*

yes many ppl still think we live on TREESSSSSS
uuuurrrkk aaarrkkkk
Yes Monkeys live on TREESS~~~~~~~~~

Suppose the TVC by the Minister of Tourism was already so salah
no we don't dress up like those indigenous ppl - ibans nor kadazan like u see on the advert
nor we have a feather sticking out on our heads
or still do human head huntings?

nope we dun lay by all those pristine white sandy beach all day long
with crystal turquoise color sea
and next thing is...we hop over to the mainland and it's KLCC/Pavilion - a shopping heaven

and yes Penang is in Malaysia not Singapore
and NO we don't ride on horses like those Bajaus, we have cars!!!!
yes there's the teh tarik but we don't drink it everyday coz it's unhealthy
and don't even mention the flipping pancakes aka roti canai

GAH!!! can't u see I am perfectly dress like u standing in front of u
speaking ENGLISH and French if u want me to be????
with good manners and all????
argghhhhhh for the last time I don't wear leaves and feathers

this person I spoke to was so not well travelled...
guess the only places he went to...are only at EU.

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