Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Photography convention @ Sage

yummy olive bread :D

2 mths back, Monkey held a small lil convention
errrm if it's small then it won't be a convention rite?
but to me it's HUGE esp the conversation coz I know nuts they were talking bout :P

so I'm referring to the photography convention
attended by Msia Top Society Photographer Bionic Bonnie, then-Nikonian JS, Still-Nikonian Smiley TC and Leica Monkey
amuse bouche of tuna and kelp
I think this was hiramasa aka kingfish with ooni aka sea urchin
comfort food abalone + alaskan crab + hokkaido scallop and edamame beans with seafood broth
ok back to the convention....all the Nikons and Canons plus an Olympus Pen
Leica was used to snap all the pics here

it was a gathering of great food superb wines *we had Gaja Barbaresco*
amazing photographer - Bionic Bonnie
ppl who quit their job to do photography full time - Smiley TC
photographer wannabe - JS...ermm kekekekekeke
and ppl like Monkey who's learning to snap a proper pic :P
seafood pasta!!!!!
topic of the nite....composition
wagyu with mixture of mushrooms
forgotten which chocolate dessert was this
details on shift & tilt lense
for all the interior and miniaturisation photography

it was over this lil dinner that a Nikonian bcame a traitor
and evolved into a Canonite
definitely not me :D
I m very very loyal to Leica

well put it this's like asking me to change from BMW to Mercedes
get it????
anyway photography is a very expensive hobby
more expensive than my leather bags collection
errr to lense = one Bottega bag :D

Thank you Bionic Bonnie for the endless educative progress for the past years
we should do a photography tour out of Malaysia :D

JS is doin one to Silk Road soon, no....I'm not goin...pls spare me....
imagine...yak's milk...
imagine camels as transports
imagine hot dry sandy deserts
imagine errr...let's not do anymore imagination

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