Thursday, April 08, 2010

Cortina CNY Dinner, Chuai Heng

Gambling den.....
I paiseh my boss was the leader cum banker together with Small Jack *blue shirt*
Small Jack gonna be very happy when he returns back to Spore to manage a boutique at.....where else...

every CNY without fail, Cortina Watch will organise a great makan together 
at a designated restaurant
at the same time, without extra table is needed for the cards T_T
play cards...
didn't know there's so many PROs on the sales line
can u all be a bit PRO selling watches instead of gambling????
anyway we ladies were enjoying our food
trusted our chopsticks into the pile of yee sang
and "lou" our hearts out :P
Sexay Back Maggie asked for a lot
beauty, youth, money, more MONEY, MONEY
Monkey, Maurice L Joanne
Sexay Back Maggie, Selina all the way fr Spore

aiks...forgot to snap more pics of gambling and Karaoke session
:P coz they were hilarious and my boss dedicated a song to me in hokkien
-_-" aiks........I was looking for a place to hide

Chuai Heng Restaurant,
Jalan Bukit Bintang,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: +603 2141 5666

Read bout the last year's madness with Cortina *here*

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