Thursday, March 04, 2010

Mother of All Sandwiches *by JS*

One fine evening Monkey decided to have sandwiches for dinner. You see.....CNY been eating too much very rich food so must detox a bit........someone trying to be health freak :)

Monkey :- remember to buy isetan bread, ham, cheese, onion, cucumber, tomatoes, rockets, mayonaise, butter...... blah.....blah....blah.

JS :- are you sure you can eat all that......u usually have one sandwich only so how to fit in!!???

Monkey :- you wait and see lar......HUHHHHH.....belum nampak belum tahu!!

So JS went out to get all the items and still pondering how are we going to eat all that........then preparation time.....slice everything, bring out the ham, rockets, cheese, butter, mayo, etc and set the table.

Now, let the show begin.
Monkey then began to assemble her masterpiece....first spread butter on one slice of bread......then on goes cheddar cheese........cucumber comes next......

Monkey :- always pair the dry and moist ingredients!

Then on goes the ham follow a spread of mayo and then piled with onion slices......and a handful of rockets and couple slices of tomatoes......and on goes another piece of bread spread with butter!

Monkey :- did you ask earlier on how we going to eat all that?? well, now you seen for yourself :)

JS :- but......but........but.......i thought we detoxing and eating lite!!!???

from this angle the sandwich looks pretty ordinary.......and so does monkey.
thats better......see how thick !!! but still can go into the mouth.....that's not very ordinary....... scary man!!!
this is really how thick the sandwich was.......I am speechless -_-

NOW....that's what i call a sandwich.....mother of all sandwiches and I am still pondering how it fitted into that mouth.......only one explanation.......damn BIG mouth......haha!