Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Berjaya Langkawi Resort

oh yeap....it was a work trip to Langkawi
and we extended it a few more days to explore the island
really worth it :D
didn't know Langkawi could be this fun
esp when alcos are like super cheap
u can have em anytime of the day
*mind u Beer is the same price as water!!!!*
Baby Wei's pinkie goggles
the rubber strap was broken *due to sudah-lama-tak-guna*
however it can still function
just suck it up to your eye sockets and voila!!!!
Mommy Jacky, Baby Wei, Monkey
I kinda forgotten who snapped this pic for us
anyway we alwiz loitered around the pool with a nice cool drinks on one hand and pringles on the other :P
after rummaging my photo banks.....yesss this was the lil boy who took our pic for us
and he had a crush on Mommy Jacky and followed + swam around the pool with her....

Monkey tried to have a conversation with him but that was so salah
"Hey u.....where u from?"
Anorexic boy: "Syria"
Monkey: "Ohhhhh Syria!!! do they make good wines?"
*this part was already so salah*

Anorexic boy: "I dunno anything bout wines"
hmmmm yea wished u were 20 years older then u can talk bout wines and much more with me

see I can't make conversation with kids at all

then I learnt fr Mommy Jacky on wat to talk about......with kids
errrm like where are you parents? what game do you like to play?
*hmmm...yawn yawn*

will blog more bout the beautiful resort :D
hmm maybe later.

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