Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sunset in Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu

right after Monkey touched down in KK yesterday
JS zoomed us for Hi Tea *this monkey needs food*
then to the beach
set the tripod up and wait for the moment
while squatting like erm...beggar?
*tell u, squat till kenot get up :P*
while Monkey was still hungry & thirsty
ordered 2 Pina Colada :)))))))
all pics taken by Monkey
using Leica D-Lux 4
raw and unedited
with such wonderful editing needed :P
hope u folks lurve the pics :))))
heey u better like em coz I had to squat there for 20 mins with onlookers staring at me
dunno I sakai or they sakai :P


  1. Nice pics. Did Berr enjoy the sunset?

  2. Mef: Hi!!! thanks for dropping by again.....Berr was sitting at home enjoying the air-cond but I brought him to Mt Kinabalu today :D

    Promise I will post pics soon :)))))
