Wednesday, February 03, 2010

IL Luogo di Aimo e Nadia *2 Michelin Stars*

this restaurant really do have a long name
run by husband and wife team so we supposed that's their name
it took 20 minutes to reach by taxi fr Duomo
and pls do have reservation in advance like at least 2 weeks

JS is alwiz that serious when it comes to wine list...
we had 4 other restaurants with Michelin stars in a row,
and this was the 5th I supposed it's either we were sick of food
or just craving for more with a more discerning standard.
after nites of Gaja.....finally we settled for something more "normal"
which was Bruno Giacosa, Barbaresco 2001
*if Mr. Giacosa is considered normal then we have no other Italian wines left to drink*

Bruno Giacosa occupies the south bank of Barbaresco hill in Barbaresco
I think this will make a good visit at our next trip

anyway back to that bottle...the nose was leathery with mineral later developed to a beautiful bouquet....
however the palate was not as elegant *as Gaja* and it was quite tannic...

well I kenot compare here bcoz both winemakers have their own style.
when Monkey was seated, before she could even flip her bag hanger,
Mr. Maitre D pulled the seat with one hand,
used his bag hanger on the other and hooked Madame Bottega before I can say NO.
I still prefer the bag hanger that Bagaholic Tracie got for me :)))))))))))))
their grissini were so good....thin and crispy with biscotti texture
amuse buche of red mullet with artichoke in a very good stock, topped with a tempura of some leaves
this one is to die for
soft simmered egg *from Farmer Paolo Parisi*
topped with lard from Tuscany with breadcrumb crust, served with sweet onion and fennel puree
the dollop beside the baseil leaves was the LARD
*ohhhh eppy days!!!*
oooo double happiness!!!!!
fresh pasta with white truffles from Alba, Piedmonte
JS had mackarel marinated in citrus juice and mussels from Taranto
served with salad of Fregola vegetables, aromatic herbs and porcini
crisp sole & scampi in buckweat flour dough with artichokes
flavoured with mints and red onions fr Tropea
JS said if I continue to eat like face will be as round as the painting behind me :P
hexagon of pine nuts, coffee and cream
think this dessert was called KISSpetit four
can't see his eyes -.-

Il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia
*2 Michelin Stars*
via Montecuccoli 6,
20147 Milano,
Tel: +39 02 416 886

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