Thursday, February 04, 2010

Christmas tree in Milan

this post is dedicated to my reader Elly from Labuan

the superb 10 storey christmas tree in Piazza Duomo in Milan
they were trimming the trees on the day we arrived....and it looked so normal
after 10 days of re-trimming and installing new branches and tweaks with 3 cranes
the tree couldn't look any better

yes for goodness sake it's a real tree!!!!
they worked through weekends and through the blizzard cold just trimming it
and spent another few days merchandising and decorating it

well this pic did no justice because there's more deco to it and my tiny camera didn't capture it.


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    oh wow! Thanks for the dedication! Muahahaha, how honored!

    Oh, nice bag JS got you there babe! :)

    How's your preparation for CNY?


  2. Elly: Hey how's things over there? errr don't really celebrate CNY...guess the novelty wore off as we grow :P but I do still receive ang pows kekekekeke

    U have a very Happy CNY there ya. Hugs :)))

  3. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Hi babe!

    Well, being in food business, this year I would say its kinna sucks! Big time! Everyone is saving money for CNY and nobody actually come out and eat. Sad.

    Well, I am celebrating CNY. Bringing my daughter to Penang for a short break. :) Gonna spend some quality family time together. :)

    U have a good one too this year. Lots and lots of travel this 2010 ya? :)

    Oh, abt the elephant stools, the RED one kills! :)


  4. Elly: hmmm sorry to hear bout the market sentiment in Labuan. I'll be heading to Sabah next week for some "green" travelling....kekekek.

    U have a safe trip to Penang and enjoy all the hawkers food!!! Gong xi Gong xi.

    PS: how old is she? :-)

  5. Anonymous7:47 PM


    I am from Labuan. But has been staying in KL for like 12 years now. :)

    My little monkey is 1 yr, 8 mths old. :)


  6. Elly: Ooooo so u r in KL :P Anyhow Happy CNY yea!!!
