Monday, January 25, 2010

Royal Langkawi International Regatta

JS Lightroom-ed my pics -_- make the sunset more dramatic :P
cun eh?
ever since we got the software, he's been hijacking the macbook for his 2nd outmost passionate hobby
*sob sob sob*
so back to the event....suppose we only stayed up late for the final nite with dinners and more socialising around...
on the final nite, the graceful Minister of Tourism came with her entourage
also the royalties were flown in with VVIPs
and we had dinner by the sea side on the deck
*lucky no mosquitoes*
the sober looks during after-party :))))))))))))
very very sober
these already halfway down the road...holding their drinks with one hand, dancing away
later.......when their feets can't balance no more.......u'll know
Baby Wei & Monkey chilling by the pool
this is our se-cu for the nite......whom Baby Wei hired on that nite *how much u pay him?*
He's actually our driver for the week and was kind enough to watch us gals and protect us fr malicious human beings at the event...kekekekekeke....
so we can partay with peace of mind :)))))))))))))
her favourite *look at tat face :P*
with my permission.....yes u may quit your job and go to Aust now :))))
Royal Queensland team.....the winner for Sportsboat category....CONGRATS!!!

all red like lobster fr the damaging SUN.....
look fwd to the next regatta :)))))))))))

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