Friday, January 01, 2010

Kuala Selangor.....Yaaaawwwwnnnnnn

After our Italian adventure.........we somehow miss the local seafood one morning monkey woke up and had this craving for fresh local seafood.

Monkey......where do we go for local seafood?
JS.......we can go to klang.......or kuala selangor. Don't know whether i can still find the restaurant.
Monkey.......shall i goggle to find out how to get there? need memory still boleh pakai!
Monkey....... >_<

So we were quickly on our way and finally got to Kuala Selangor and headed straight to Pasir Penambang where everybody goes for seafood.
We then went straight to the last restaurant amongst a series of restaurants.

Monkey......this looks like a really sleepy hollow lar
JS........yes, it is quiet here.....and kind of peaceful.

even got wildlife lar!!
*look at the bird on top of the stilt*
not a soul in sight

Then we stroll apprehensively into the quiet restaurant......not knowing what to expect cos it's been years since i was there.
monkey appreciating the view

We finally placed our order for fresh seafood and must say service was prompt. One by one the dishes came out and soon our table begin to fill up......
fried chinese romaine lettuce with garlic

kam hiong bamboo clams
mamee fried prawns
*more like marmite*
steam grouper

This is as simple as it gets......the mamee prawns was kicking fresh and has this unique umami flavor and length. The kam hiong bamboo clams certainly tickled our taste buds after 2 weeks of 3 michelin star dining and grand cru wines and kind of bring us back to the real world :)

The steam grouper (about 500gms) was simple and how fresh seafood is supposed to taste and steamed to perfection.
Note:- the optimal size for grouper is about 0.5 to 0.6kg where the flesh is still soft and sweet.

Must say we really missed the good ole local cooking.

After lunch we sat there and watch the fishing boats go by.....
and another one chugs by......
and another one.......
and another one.....

Monkey...... all the fishing boat looks the same!!!!!!
JS....... -_-

YAAAAAWWWWWWNNNNNNNN..............yeah, really sleepy hollow!

Hoi Ung Seafood *most tourist go to River View*
Jalan Pasir Penampang,
45000 Selangor.

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