Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Santa Maria delle Grazie

nice pic eh? it was before 8am..
we walked to Santa Maria delle Grazie
the church that housed "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci
the construction of the church begun in 1463
lots of restoration were done esp after WW2
the church was almost destroyed by a bomb

with the power and will of God it remained
plus the painting as well...hehehehe
the nave of the church
it's a very different design bcoz it was changed into a family mausoleum during the 16th century
Monkey lighting up candles :)
some parts of the church
u'll never guess that a part of this wall housed the painting :P
Mr. JS looking all serious here...coz he was "directing" miss monkey
on getting the best angle outta this pic

"no u need to move it there, and omit the van on the background....make sure u get the right exposure....and semi-click to focus"

later we hanged out around and Monkey took this pic of the priest

Santa Maria delle Grazie
(our Lady of Grace)
Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie
Off Corso Magenta,
S'ant Ambrogio,
Milan 20123.
*admission is free*

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