Friday, December 25, 2009

Piedmonte here we come!

Today was our away day to the province of Piedmonte. Monkey and JS woke up early and after breakfast and a quick stroll around Duomo we were on our way. Our Chauffeur for the day is Adrian and we were kind of relieve he speaks English!
The journey out of Milan took like forever.......narrow streets.....traffic jam......sharing the road with trams.....cobblestone roads and very uncomfortable.....and then suddenly.....Wallah, the highway :)
It took another hour to get pass Asti and then we arrived in Alba. Alba is a medieval town and for you Nutella and Ferraro Rocher lovers, this is their birth place.....and Tic Tac is made by the very same Nutella Ferraro group based in Alba.
The buildings are really rustically painted......seem like it's purposely given that washed finish effect......errrrr, like Melaka i suppose.

We walked around Alba a bit to get some fresh air so monkey can recover from the car journey ....very bad traveller despite we had a good driver.

That was our brief stop in Alba......the journey continues......see next posting.

1 comment:

  1. Quaint lil town...should have bought that 15kg bottle of Nutella home!!!!!!! U can even eat it on its owwwnnnn.....woooooooo~~~~
