Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Castello Sforzesco, Milan

Castello Sforzesco was built in 1368
by Galeazzo II Visconti
the main entrance has a huge fountain
does it looked like the photographer aka Miss Monkey is pissing?
Torre del Filarete
Torre = Tower
inside the's really HUGE!!!!!!
there's a dried moat with some leftover canon balls
see those lil holes? I think it's for the arrows
lots and lots of it
now they are homes to pesty pigeons
the greener part of the castle
there's a few museums u can visit inside
a few of the rooms were decorated with surviving works and paintings of Leonardo da Vinci
nice pic by JS
*it looked so fake rite?*
sun set over Castello Sforzesco
u can come here late afternoon for a stroll as there's another huge park
attached to the castle...will TRY to blog bout it soon
*sigh so much to blog about*

Castello Sforzesco
Piazza Castello
20121 Milan

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