Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sun Seng Fatt, Ipoh

if u enjoy slurpy noodles...this is the place to be...
but be prepare to wait..
as in a minimum of 90 minutes *well u can go and watch a movie*
"apa tengok-tengok?"

this place only opens at 8pm till 2am...
waiting for 1 hour and 30 minutes for supper is not everyone's thingy.
us straight fr dinner.....to supper
still looking eppy eppy with Joshua playin peek-a-boo
after an hour everyone looked so tired..
and bored...
and irritated
and agitated
and restless
by then it was past midnite
and the famous "wat tan hor" came
heavy in pork stock it was so yummy and slurpy and tasty of coz!!!!
*it better be after all the waiting time*
the silky smooth fried hor fun
fried bee hoon was gone fast coz it was so sweet and tasty
such simple food done with perfection
worth the waiting time

oh yea and it took us less than 10 minutes to whack everything up
Sun Seng Fatt
Leong Sin Nam Road,

Understand that there is another coffee shop by the same name that sells curry noddle
it's 2 different shop...
I'll blog about our curry noddles galore soon...soon....

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