Friday, November 20, 2009

Pimp my ride

Ms Alpine went for the 1st pimping session last week
the windows and windscreen all got pimped
with super royale tint
that came with a 10 years warranty
so now I can't roll down any windows nor use the heater for 7 days

Tinting Boss: "Which one u want miss?"
" long as I dun kena saman."

Tinting Boss: "DON'T WORRY!!!! if u kena saman I'll pay for u!!!!!"
" confident eh?"

anyway Monkey chose some decent one with a certain percentage before..
the conversation got conquered by Prince C

Prince C: "Your car is white...u better use the darkest tint to make it look sexier!!!!"
Monkey O_O

"dunnit leh"
Prince C: "Yes u'll need ah meng give her the darkest one...."
so u like the main console? :)))
with the BMW Navigation System
sleek and clean :))
I-Drive platform
lurve the M leather steering wheel with gear *the silver knob there*
meaning I can switch to manual mode and change gear with the steering wheel
I still dunno how to use it...dun think I ever need that.
later...when the car came back fr her 1st pimping session

Prince C: "Eh why your number plate got Auto Bavaria on it?"
"coz I bought this car fr them."

Prince C: "Do they pay u to advertise for them? No right? Okie gimme your key..i'm goin to change your number plate."
Monkey -_-"

after driving Ms Alpine around....he felt something insufficient..
Prince C: "Eh u wanna re-tune your engine to churn more power or not???"
Monkey -_-

Prince C: "Your tyre a bit hard...I change for u the soft tyre and also the suspension?"

I think Ms Alpine must be crying.....
I don't want my car to look like your Pimp-ed CAR!!!!!!!
okie back to Ms Alpine
heheheh yes it works on bluetooth..
sync-ed it with my beloved iPhone

"sync baby sync!!!"
and got all my contacts into the car

I can receive/make calls with M steering wheel
just wished that i can SMS and Facebook-ing with it

Ms Alpine...u r so beautiful already
so I won't pimp u anymore

Prince C: "U want to change to 19 inch rim + typre or not?
MONKEY @#%*!)*%&@$*^!)^#%

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