Monday, November 02, 2009

Dim Sum at Peach Garden, OCBC Centre

It was supposed to be a SIMPLE dim sum brunch
well dun trust the Sporean gang's simplicity
it's usually a lavish meal
Peach Garden is on the 33rd Floor of OCBC Centre....
and the view was beautiful
not bad eh? my mini Leica camera can zoom in till these shoplots at Boat Quay
appetizer: crispy roast pork belly
deep fried aubergine with pork floss
stir fried carrot cake :))))))))))))))
chee cheong fun
WAHH!!!! I LIKE!!!!
I had JS's share since he doesn't take poultry
hehehehe hahahahhaah
when u see har kow...u'll see its partner in crime....
partner in crime = siew mai
the prawn was too sit on top
the duck meat was used to fry vege
we had a private room for the 12 of us
yong tau foo
yong tau fu came with yong-bittergourd and yong-aubergine
xiao loong pau
didn't eat this dunno wat was it
wat is Dim Sum without the famous char siew pao
phoenix claws aka chicken feet -_-
Flatmate Amy ordered this fried bittergourd with salted egg yolk
GOE & Flatmate Amy
GOE is all tanned fr taking too many pics of birds...
yeah real in those with wings and feathers and all
Scary wines for a "simple" brunch
we had a 1982 Hermitage
me waiting for your Audi :D
*wink wink*
JS & Si Fu Lawrence
sommeliers for the afternoon
more paos for dessert
custard paos
so creamy :P
the Chooks
Chef Lino and Constanza
why are chefs alwiz in crisp white shirt?
presenting my dessert :))))))))))))
then u mix em all up....ohhh yum yum yum yum
with lots of roasted black glutinous rice so much still wanna sit on top
JS's legs sure break

Peach Garden,
33rd Floor, OCBC Centre,
65 Chulia Street,
Singapore 049513.
Tel: +65 6535 7833

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