Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Damansara Village Steamboat

Su San's fav past time...Rubic Cubes
dealing with arithmetics/logics were not enuff at she needed more
*this gal deals with more logics than u can ever imagine*

it had been raining non stop the whole of Sunday
Thank GAWD it's STEAMBOAT for dinner
Todi + Stout = Happy Hour
Ass Kickin Vonne: "Monkey u want some???"
"errrr I'm stil recovering fr my fever....."
kenot drink alcos but can have all the chilis the world have :PPPPP
me so contradicting lar
the place has all the fresh seafood u can find
including oysters, lobster, swimming crabs...jumping prawns...
oh mind was opened by Patrick Teoh
and it's HALAL!!!!
*I was so looking fwd to my pork balls :((*
the usual stuffs
Su San mixing the chicken slices
they have mutton slice/beef slice
I like the giant clams :))))
so meaty
the ladies were busy cooking...
the jumping prawns came with another plate covering it..
coz they were really jumping!!!!
without any hesitation
Ass Kickin Vonne slide all the Jumping Prawns into the hotpot

Jumping Prawns: "weeeeeeeeeeeeee.........................GAH!!!!!"
oh no...they were still alive and kickin on the plate..
when it's all was our turn to scream in joy
"weeeeeeeeeee PRAWNSSS...yum yum yum yum"
since no pork ball, we had beef balls :)))))))))))
Ass Kickin Vonne, Su San, Chan Lu Ai, Mommy Connie
and when the meal was did the rubic cube
errrr I think I need to master the 3x3 before touching this one
Monkey + Su San
Nice makan session ladies...
waiting for the next one with Kindy Chai in 2 weeks time..

it's gonna be gathering with Miss USA + Somebody turning big 3-0
so everyone...u all know wat to do lar.

Damansara Village,
1067 Jalan Jenjarum,
Kampung Sungai Kayu Ara,
off Jalan SS23/10,
47400 Petaling Jaya.
Tel: +603 7803 1832


  1. Kindy Chai: U enjoy your HK work trip yea. *hugs*
