Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sutera Harbour Resort, Pacific

the living hall of my junior suite
I've never stayed in the Pacific wing of Sutera Harbour
it's usually at the beautiful Magellan
but since it was for work.....no boss in his right mind will let the staff
bunk into a beautiful resort hotel

so Monkey made her own booking at Pacific Wing with Mr. P
and as usual made request in the order of heaven.
erm well that was an exaggeration...
I didn't do such mean thing to Mr. P
peeking the bedroom fr the living hall
well Mr. P was very sweet to accommodate Monkey and upgraded me
yes I know....I'm a very lucky gal
it has a separate powder room for my guest(s)...
erm in this case when u r working,
u won't have guest(s) dropping by
a big dressing table but I didn't have time to whore with it
a huge bath tub overlooking the golf course
which I didn't have time to use
anyway I've only spent like 20 mins everyday at the bath only...
fr brushing my teeth to shower to painting my face
well when u r rushing to work u won't have time to whore with all these.

for the price I'm paying - a deluxe rate
definitely worth it
but nothing beats a good night sleep on a comfortable bed with comfy pillows

that money can't buy!!!

Thank u again Mr. P

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