Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Kampung Buli Sim Sim, Sandakan

yes no throwing rubbish around
wat a lubbish!!!
then wat do u call those below?
Kampung Buli Sim Sim
*I just lurve the name, don't u?*

this is a fishing village on stilt
wooden houses were built on stilts until the government replaced it with concrete ones
good idea!!!

dun like the idea of walking on wooden planks with shaky legs
u can even see wat's at the bottom...kakakaka

malay homes, chinese home all just next to each other
this is wat I called 1Malaysia
pls make this place an example!!!!

Monkey was all excited to walk into Kampung Buli Sim Sim
"Oh no!!! we have to walk on the stilts? wat if we fall into the sea? is it safe?"

the men just -_-"
Bernard da Joker: "Hey Terry, u need to bring your gf travel more often lar."
some houses have perfect sea view!!!
spot the air cond!!!
JS trespassed ppl's home and walked to the edge to get a nice pic
well this view is normal considering this place is a fishing village
there are a few excellent seafood restaurant
or should I say, home converted to restaurant :P

as we were busy oggling at their daily works and life on wooden stilts
customers were busy having steamed lobster for breakfast

steamed lobster for breakfast???
u got to be joking...
no lobster and crustaceans for us...
we went for noodles
*earlier post*
as the early sea breeze blew
the lone ranger swayed gently
but it looked like it will collapse anytime!!!
wow wat are those corpses hanging inside this "air room"?

"I'm so sorry it's not ready for sale. U need to make advance order for it."

everything here also need to order in advance
memang with attitude
but I like!!!

it shows they put quality above all

prollie next time I'll come here for steamed lobster and make advance orders for everything else
:P hehehehehehee

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