Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Sightseeing at Mount Dandenong

Clear blue sky
on a beautiful Sunday

Mount Dandenong is located 633m above sea level
so during winter it's seriously COLD
and it SNOWS!!!!!
actually we came here for scones + coffee
yes I know
after our hokkien mee
and after our galore at LV Elaine's place
still got place for scones huh?

there's this neat coffee and tea shop
which sells excellent teapots and all accessories for tea
we got a cute red set for the new place
it's for chinese tea actually....kekekekeke
*this was also the same place, Bagaholic Tracie bought us a special teapot:)*
LV Elaine and mommy - Chili Queen
we also hung out at this nice Aussie-made aromatherapy/skincare/candles shop

I bought so much
Cuppy Cake Jennifer: "Yesss buy buy and help the economy."
>_< there's this laydee who's famous for her mini pancakes
we were lucky coz she was about to close her stall
and of coz, we were her lucky last customer :P
mini pancakes dusted with castor sugar
dunno if it's the buttermilk that she used but it has got to be the BEST pancake
I ever had for a long long time....
then I saw this!!!!!
Miss Monkey with the rest of the tourist....
torching our cute fluffy white mashmallows
"Hey kids......move aside...dun play with fire"
Chili Queen teaching Monkey how to NOT to burn it
TA-DA!!!! look!!!
it's perfect!!!!
I didn't burn it

if u burnt it
it'll taste BITTER
soft n sticky
enjoying my hard work

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