Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shopping in Melbourne's CBD

the sky looked so threatening on that Saturday
gloomy and windy
we were in town as early as 11am...
after our vietnamese breakfast at Footscray
Footscray is a vietnamese town
JS: "wat??? wat did u say???"
Monkey: "Let' start S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G"
Monkey & I Ching
the ladies were so happy when it comes to shopping
we woke up dressed coz it's SHOPPING DAY!!!!
While this one was particular unhappy coz he knows
he'll be "sui yee" of the day..

Prince C challenged all of us on that day...
that whoever that spends the least money is the winner!!!
Prince C & I Ching
with the horsie on the background
nope no time to ride horsie...
must treasure every moment coz we only have a day to do shopping in Collins Street.
Collins Street
in the end...
Prince C
ended up as the loser buying 2 Chanel + 1 Gucci

I Ching ended up with a Chanel
Monkey with a Prada and ohohoh Georg Jensen too!!!!
Georg Jensen 3 arms spin bowl/dishes
it came with a white silicon dish inside which was removable
I bought 2 of these...and brought back one
it ain't easy stuffing this into my luggage bag
guess who's the winner of the day???
Mr. JS who didn't event spent a single dime on anything on that day

this man is so competitive...
if he really wants to win...
he'll do all his might including supressing his shopping indulgence
*u won't wanna see when Mr. JS shops.....*
yep we shopped till the boutiques closed at 6pm
but one day aint' enuff
so many other things to see

I lurve shopping days like this :))))

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