Monday, August 24, 2009

Luncheon at Point Cook

the Yeows came over and drove past the CBD over to Point Cook
for a 3 hours luncheon
and brought tonnes of oysters with them
my favourite!!!!
somehow I prefer this one with cincaluk and belacan and kaffir lime leaves
can u see all the lil small shrimps there?
I Ching made corn fritters for the kids
blue blood eh??? so alien eh?
scampis are really weird...must be from another planet
it's some species of a lobster
its body were grilled on grill-it pan while the heads were used to make the pasta sauce
JS alwiz makes exceptionally great pasta
the moment it was unveiled from its aluminium foil
everyone were whiffing and ooooo-aaahhhh-ing
nice? :)))))))))))))))))
this pic was taken before it was being whammed into the oven
Spicy fried rice by Hokkien King who didn't shop up...
coz he prefered to stay at home -_-
JS and I Ching collaborated on this lamb curry
coz someone had to play golf....and I Ching had to finish up this dish for him...kekekeke
Monkey made fool proof cucumber raita with toasted cumin
at the very last minute I Ching whipped up a yummy fried bitter gourd
I neva enjoy Italian wines
but the men won
Cuppy Cake Jennifer brought dessert!!
very nice coz the cream and sweets on top were just enuff
and the cupcake below was so buttery

If we were to eat like this everyday for lunch,
memang can die.

thank u folks
and thank u heaps to those who cooked and brought food
as alwiz, I'm in charge of consumption.

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