Friday, August 28, 2009

Dinner at Kampar, Perak

it was a tiring day after the golf event,
all of us rushed to cross over the Penang Bridge
to avoid the jam
and zoomed down to Perak
with a heavy downpour
steamed prawns with julienne ginger and chinese white wine

Kampar is a ghost town,
we'll never drive there for makan.
Prince C was the one who suggested this place.
another huge prawn in sweet caramelised sauce
comfort food!!!! double boiled roasted pork knuckle soup with toufu and pickled chinese mustard.
really yummy esp during rainy days.
caramelised roast pork
fried bitter gourd with eggs and salted egg yolk!!!
highlight of the nite was this fresh soft steamed toufu
almost tou-fu-fa liked
we had 2 portion of this
steamed fish was very good too....
gone in under 5 minutes
after dinner we walked to the opposite side for desserts!!!
yeah behind these green old wooden door is a small medium industry
churning cakes and sweets
so afraid that it will fall apart if i touch em
aunties selling chinese kuihs and more sweets!!
and they were darn cheap
Baby Wei, Monkey, Mommy Jacky
all of us bought something fr that Kuih Auntie
and they were so fresh and yummy and soft and sooooooooooo NICE!!!!

then it was time to part ways and head home
Monkey stayed on in Ipoh for more food
will try to blog more bout it

opsss haven't even blog bout makan + work trip in Penang.

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