Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sexay Back's birthday at Pink Sage

just for a change, we took a group pic first
while the makeup were still on
and faces still beaming fresh

Monkey screeched her way along the street
coz she almost missed Pink Sage
stopped the car at the end of the restaurant and called Beautiful CS
"hey babe, where is the valet park?"

Beautiful CS: *i guess she must been rolling her eyes*
"There's no valet park here lar...go and park next to our table"
Sweet Devil Rachel in her beautiful dress & Hot Mama Thevi
Hot Mama with Sharoness
*sorry lar time to change your name*
Devi Gaga, Sharoness, Hot Mama Thevi
they were already binging on this while waiting for the birthday gal
Star of the nite = Sexay Back
who's hand is tat?
none other than Hot Babe Shen
caesar salad
CHEERSSSSSSSS to the birthday gal
steak with dijon mustard
mesquito chicken
rissotto with duck breast
*was it duck?*
Hot Babe Shen enjoying her pasta *sexily of coz*
all the pressies on the other table
Sexay Back already knew it's something for her to drink
Sexay Back: "wat brand wat brand?"
Absolut Vodka fr Sweet Devil Rachel
something fr Mark & Spencers
Sexay Back: "Aiiiii so cute~~~~"
Sexay Back: "Where's the pantie?"
Sharoness: "Got lar!!! it's here lar"
She was wearing the pantie on her head
Sexay Back is so adorable :)))))))))))))
Monkey gave Sexay Back a Thomas Sabo mobile phone charm
with a red sexay stilettos + wingssssss
with wings so u can fly and soar high
She's gonna horne her cooking skills too
Hot Mama Thevi bought her Jamie O - Ministry of Food
Sexay Back looked stress though
Hot Babe Shen was arguing on the size...it should be right
Sexay Back looking hi n lo for the person who gave this dress
Beautiful CS stepped up while Sexay Back pretending to be innocent
Birthday gal said she has a truly versatile face
the above was the definition of CUTE
bad gal
bad gal cutting her cakes
blow your candles!!!!
blow your...........candles -_-" x 1000000
hai..........well that's the Maggie that we all love and adore
may all your wishes come true
now...... us trying to emulate all of Sexay Back's versatile personalities
Beautiful CS and Devi Gaga
Later Hensem Stuart came to pick Hot Mama Thevi and got harrassed by all the gals
Birthday gal all smiles
Devi Gaga.....thank u so much for organising
we all had great time :))))
group pic
Pink Sage Pantry
Ground Floor Wisma RA,
N0.12, Jalan Dang Wangi,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: +603 2693 6000

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