Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Restaurant City in Point Cook, Melbourne

our dearie home chef Mr JS got home from golf and headed straight to the kitchen
still in his golf attire and socks :P

with all the fresh ingredients available at the local supermarket
we cannot resist not to cook
fresh tomatoes, onions, tonnes of basils, prawn heads, celery
all ready to bake....just to get its jus to make a simple pasta
the amount of work.
when i mentioned the amount of work
u'll know why
all the chopping and cleaning

JS's format is like cooking show
lay all the chopped/cleaned/needed ingredients in small lil bowl
he called that "mis-en-place"
just like michelin star chef
I call him michelin tyre chef :P
while I Ching and Prince C busy washing cleaning
washing cleaning washing cleaning
more washing cleaning
then wiping and more wiping before storing it back where it should be

I lurve I Ching's shirt :)))))))
"I'm Single"
and on its back
"call me"
lay the table neatly and watch chef cook
while waiting, we cam-whored
lil Caden is such a heartbreaker
at 1.5 years old he knows how to manipulate everyone's heart
and mind and SOUL~~~~~

"dun do that?"
Lil Caden: "why?"
"I said dun do that!!!"
Lil Caden: "why?"


"Let's take pic!!!"
and he'll pose at different angles every 2 seconds
salad of baby spinach with baby red radish + sweet balsamic vinegar
freshly harvested mussels steamed with lemon grass and basils
I wished we could throw in some chilies but children were onboard
I mean dining together :P
ohhhhh yummmmmmmmmmmmm
baked mozzarella with basil and tomatoes inside a lemon
this was the pasta that needed so much of ingredients just to make its jus
took hours to prepare and 5 minutes to gobbled it all down
on my dirty polluted plate
everyone was a glutton here
I mean they were really pasta/carbs eater
Monkey is a carnivor
including lil Tremain
he lurves pastas!!!
JS opened a Barbaresco he bought at Enoteca at Lygon Street
Monkey closed her mouth and lips and mind about this bottle
JS: "U must learn how to drink Italian ok???"

Monkey still closed her lips shut
JS: "Dun be so LCLY can or not??"
mushrooms with a sweet reduction from dunno wat liquor
it contained 3 different types of mushrooms
enoki, shitake and porcinis
my fav brocolini sautee with garlic and a dash of good soy sauce
it's so cheap in Melbourne and cost a bomb in KL
busy eating
slurp slurp slurp

my wine glass was still full :P
good vanilla ice cream with homemade raspberry jam and toasted almonds
this one Si Fu Lawrence taught :))))))))))
my all time favourite-last minute dessert thank u to Michelin tyre chef for the yummy food
after the 1st dinner
he was requested to cook almost everyday

JS did merajuk >_<
sorry lar
but your cooking so sedap wor :)))))))


  1. The dishes look so yummy! Michelin tyre's chopping assistant also look so cute! Where can i get one? ;-)

  2. Wahhh... You so lucky Monkey!! And JS looks good in this pink shirt & light grey trousers!

  3. Hot Mama Thevi: If u want recipe lemme know yea :) chopping assistant is not available for rent nor sale :P but i can be yours for your next party.

    TL: yes TL, nowadays not only must play well but dress well also at the course. Guess this part of me rubbed unto him :P hiak hiak hiak

  4. Hot Mama Thevi: If u want recipe lemme know yea :) chopping assistant is not available for rent nor sale :P but i can be yours for your next party.

    TL: yes TL, nowadays not only must play well but dress well also at the course. Guess this part of me rubbed unto him :P hiak hiak hiak

  5. Hot Mama Thevi: If u want recipe lemme know yea :) chopping assistant is not available for rent nor sale :P but i can be yours for your next party.

    TL: yes TL, nowadays not only must play well but dress well also at the course. Guess this part of me rubbed unto him :P hiak hiak hiak

  6. Sir Gordon Ramsay is a 3 Michelin star chef.....guess me = well....errrrr..... 3 Michelin tyre chef .....ahahahahah!!
    by the way monkey chopping skill and knife skill is commendable....i bet even Gordon Ramsay will be impressed!!

  7. TL: oh by the way, he does wear pink to work now....*grins*

    JS: u sure or not my chopping skills that good???

  8. I don't mind 3 Michelin-Tyre star chef's cooking also.

    Wah... Cherry, u can chop so well.. come, come help auntie Tsu Lin next time ok? That's the thing I hate 2nd most abt cooking (obviously the most = washing up!).

  9. TL: hate chopping? get a chopper...hate washing?? the dishwasher can solve it!!!

    nyek nyek nyek :P

  10. Before ths chopper can chop, a human needs to peel, got a non-organic peeler machine too??

    Before can throw into dishwasher, still have to scrape away the sisa-sisa makanan, rinse & load into it. How?? :P Now maid TL does it lor.

  11. TL: >_< true oso!!! kekekekekek

  12. preparing the mise en place is key to all good cooking.....the amount of love you cook with is all embeded in the preperation....so ladies........please love preparing your mise en place....hehe:)

  13. TL: Maam u heard that? Prollie should start looking for a mis-en-place machine :P
