Monday, June 08, 2009

My world is spinning around~~

The sun has barely risen
it was so dark outside
blanket with such eerie silence
U know the night will be long

Opened my eyes to look at my window
it was spinning beyond control
I thought I was dreaming
and it occurred a couple of times again and again

and Lazy me...dooze off to sleep
despite these abnormalities

This time the SUN did really come out
but it was me....dark inside,
the moment I opened my eyes
the room was still spinning.

couldn't believe my eyes
and before I could yell "Fark wat's happening"
my feet scrambled and brought the body to the toilet
hands clutching the lovely bowl
I began my expulsion

and so I spent my Sunday
spinning around in my own lil world
and clutching my toilet bowl.

Doc: "It's called Vertigo"

"erm u mean the song fr U2?"

and so readers I am still suffering fr Vertigo
for some unknown reason
it's an disorder in my inner ear which causes imbalance
confusion and dizziness.

for severe case like mine...
I can't even wake up fr the bed without having the bowl-clutching-toilet visit

so this is wat u called Vertigo huh?
isn't a happy feeling at all.
Pls go away soon............


  1. Let me know after the scan. hope it's all good.

  2. kenny9:42 PM

    take k cherry, hope its all good for u, and watch over ur health and diet!

  3. 5 days never blog already......need to see specialist doc leh:)
