Thursday, May 28, 2009

Simple breakfast

we started the day off with a cuppa
while waiting for Khun Chai to pick us up
Si Fu Lawrence will pengsan if he sees the above
for he HATES cinnamon!!!
then Khun Chai came and asked us: "Have u had your breakfast?"
both JS and Monkey: "NO!!!!"
*ok confession...only me who said tat*

Khun Chai: "No problem, I will bring you to a nice beef balls."
Monkey: "YES YES YES YES plssssssssssss."
this place was full with action
of ladies hard at work, packing chili sauces, packing noodles for orders to go...
pouring pipping hot soup....

tourists will never walk into this tiny shop
but looking at its crowd at 9am on a public holiday
u know it's GOOD!!!!!
standard condiment on the table
sugar, cili flakes and green chili sauce
green chili sauce were made fr GREEN cili which were roasted then pounded
to achieve the superb BURNT cili flava.
then came my noodle which was so simple
with 5 meatballs...some beans sprouts...dash of fish sauce and spring onions
all in a clear BEEF broth!!!
so u add a lil of this and that and MAKAN
oh my blarddy was so delicious!!!!!!!!!
only 30 Baht = RM 3
later outside the shop we saw this....
small lil muffins like dessert.
*i forgot its name*
it was first layered with some flour eggie thingy...
once the first layer has formed,
pour the mixture of coconut milk with some secret ingredients innit
then u wait for it to cook a lil bit more before adding more goodies!!!
there's sweet corn, yam, spring onions and some yellow thing i dunno wat was tat.
results was a crispy on the outside mini muffins with a thin crust
sweet and savoury creamy coconut milk filings which was half cooked on the inside
it ooozzzzeeeeeessss out in my mouth

20 baht = RM 2 for twelve pieces

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