Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kuey Tiow Rua Tha Siam

this is one of the local chain restaurant that serves
apa favourite
from head to tail
all swine swine swine swine
*wat swine flu??? I haven't heard bout it*
after we have crashed into the hotel....
walked to MBK Centre
*pronounced as Mah-Boon-Kong*
deep fried caramelised pork
it's crunchy and sticky at the same time
good appetizer
som tam aka green papaya salad
well u all must try the one with fermented baby crabs
yep the above was the one...hence the brownish colour
it gives it so much of kick and taste something like cincalok + belachan
but MUCH BETTER!!!!!
fried glass noodle with tonnes of sweet thai basil
I lurve thai basil so much tat we bought a big bunch home

yes I know we can get sweet thai basil in KL but somehow it's different

in the most expensive supermarket at Bangkok aka Siam Paragon
for a huge bunch which I can eat till I cry cost RM 2 only.
very very good fried rice and look at the yellowness of the eggs
thai rice are of extremely high quality with that chewiness
oh yum!!!

well if u are wondering how come so lil food
it was only to line my stomach(s) for more makans for the day

visit the website if u wanna see more visuals
but everything in thai

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