Thursday, April 02, 2009

Tanjung Tualang, Kinta Valley

Chinese usually refer this place as Tok Alang
short for Tualang
famous for its super big head prawns
their homemade cilies
I lurve it!!!
this one was chosen by JS *who else when it's a GC*
fr Prince C's chiller(s)
steamed frog's legs with "kei chee" and chicken essence
its famous homemade fried toufu served wif century eggs on the side
LOOK!!! wat are those at the bottom of the toufu?!?!?!
deep fried crispy pork lard
enuff to share, dunnit to fight
steamed fresh water fish
Monkey no likey fresh water fish, not even those fr the river
I dun like the muddy smell/taste
spicy belacan petai was awesome!!!!
but we came here for this!!!!!
see how big they were
when placed on my plate, it can just ngam ngam accommodate
I was admiring it and wondered where to begin
look at those juice inside its head
i'm gonna scoop em out
so yummy!!!!
and my heart & arteries were choking after that
*super duper high can die cholesterol*
Look wat's at the bottom again?
deep fried crispy pork lard :P
I think I had a huge bowl on my own tat nite
but can't beat him -_-"
who ate the most
Moscato d'asti, my fav dessert wine
Mr. home no more stock liao....need to smuggle in somewhore fr Culina Spore.
I Ching & Prince C
Thank u for bringin us here despite u didn't like it
I guess Ipoh ppl dun like this place :P
JS & Monkey
had the most fun esp the tummies


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    What is the name and location for this restaurant please?

  2. Hello Anonymous. Thank you for dropping by...I will ask my friend for details of this place. Will keep u posted :D Cheers!!!

  3. Dear Anonymous, sorry even my friend who brought us here can't remember its name....I'll keep in mind to snap the pic of the siganage next time :)

    It is the only cleanest shop around that rows of shop.
