Monday, April 13, 2009

Christmas pressie fr Switzerland

oh yea, supposed to blog bout this ages ago
but I was clearing my home and saw this package
This lil pressie was fr HQ Switzerland
and arrived on my table in Dec while I was in Athens
as usual it went to my regional office 1st :P
Ta Da!!!
ooooo I lurve off white colour :))))))))
fit my monkey hands perfectly!!!!
oooo I won't be using this till next winter :P
with scarves, gloves and a beanie
hmmm looks like I'll need to keep em neatly and carefully till this year end.

and so Monkey went to send a thank u email to Mr. VP.
"Mr. VP merci beacoup but winter is over and I just got back fr Athens!!!!"
*yes I know...I'm a complaint queen*

"U are most welcome Cherry. Keep it for your next winter holiday then."

oh ok....
so this winter where to go???
JS was looking into Italy

He wanted Milan
I wanted Rome
One is North
the other is South
A fashion City
and Catholics Mecca


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