Thursday, March 26, 2009

Victoria's Peak, Hong Kong

U can see Victoria's Peak fr afar
with condos at the top and also the main building which houses a shopping centre,
Madame Tussauds, restaurants bla bla bla bla
so both Monkey & JS squeezed in between the queue
*coz we are PETITE*
among the huge crowd of tourists to get our TRAM ride up the hill!!
I can't calculate how many times I've been up there but it's sure surreal.
taken fr the tram - we were halfway up there
no trip to HK is complete without goin to The Peak
JS and HIS shopping bag
YES HIS not mine
tourists fr Korea, CHINA, Europe, CHINA, Japan, CHINA
and of coz 2 Malaysians :P
kiss the lion for good luck
the main building which I forgot its name....there's restaurants up there with stunning views
outside Madame Tussauds
nope we didn't go in...not a fan of waxed figure.

Off topic:
when we were in London, stayed so near to Madame Tussauds,
we were practically walking passed it every morning....
"u wanna go?"
"No...let's go shopping instead."

Off off topic:
Folks!!! GBP is now at 5.34
GAH I can imagine myself shopping....the currency is so low now!!!!
I wanna go to London :((((
since it was Chinese New Year,
there were so many Dragon & Lion Dances around town.
Do u know that the Lion Dance World Champion is from Muar, Johor???
but the above was from Hong Kong
Quick!!! Hop higher!!!
I wanna see how high can u go??
fake tram for tourists like me to snap pic :P
Tram line
after our lunch *which I'm gonna blog bout it soon*
we went back down for our hobby - shopping
Where is our tram??
faster quick!!!
my Junya Watanabe is waiting for me at the boutique
*stolen fr JS's thoughts nyek nyek nyek*

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