Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday JS

someone's very important birthday
so it was an important dinner
with important ppl
plus important wines

and super serious food

at an important place

*okie anyway his birthday is TODAY as in 12th March*

**let's sing him a song ok?**
Si Fu Lawrence, Munchy, JS
all the VIPS
*pic stolen fr Bagaholic Tracie's Nikon*

and also behaving like one
*pics stolen fr Bagaholic Nikon*
while waiting.....we cam-whored
waiting for dinner
Bagaholic Tracie & Monkey
wines for the nite
Bonnes Mares 93 - Dujac
Vonne Romanee 96 - Leroy
Clos St Denis 93 - Dujac
Chambertin Clos de Beze 2000 - Armand Rousseau *this one not ready yet*

notice the book there??? JS got it fr Hong Kong
the Wines of Burgundy by Clive Coates, 2008 edition
MW = Master of Wines
pls dun bring this book around during dinner
1) it's too heavy to carry
2) the sommelier will whack u with it
our favourite bread with sun dried tomatoes
cheers to the birthday boy
oh by the way Chef Takeshi was not in town
he was in Tokyo, busy sourcing for ingredients
hence his kitchen was left empty...sous chef kenot cook in his open kitchen
and he was relengated into "the other kitchen"

Maitre D Jason: "I'm so sorry Chef is not in town during that week"
"Nvm, just proceed with my reservation and my menu."

Maitre D Jason: O_O "REALLY MISS CHERRY??????"

guess we stressed them out
but dinner was good as usual :)))
Magaki Oyster with arthicoke and avruga caviar
fresh and sweet
A certain Prince ain't got enuff and wanted to order more

"Can u pls not order anything and stick to my menu???"
Prince C: "Ok ok ok I drink!!"
seared foie gras with gratinated fig
this one was excellent!!!
cripsy and caramelised on the outside but soft and creamy on the inside
Beef Consomme with japanese mushrooms
Hot consomme poured in and cooked the wagyu
I'm gonna give this 5 stars
roasted cod with japanese daikon and fried basils on top
Bagaholic got a new camera fr Si Fu - Nikon
cool gadget there!!! and small. I like the size!!!! :))))
Linguine pasta with medley of seafood
there's sea urchin, abalone, scallop
main course yet to arrive and Munchy looking stoned!!!
not at his top form coz hasn't been drinking since he got relocated back in KL
take it easy's a slow and relax and "tidak apa" life in KL ok??
remember "Malaysia boleh!!!!" anything oso can so u dun be so kiasu can or not?
drink slowly~~~~~
mango sorbet with passion fruit
grilled wagyu with asparagus
so juicy!!!
it was I Ching's fav!!!
crispy roll of cherries with ice cream
Wat ice cream was tat? it was so nutty and delicious
Wei Nee & Munchy who turned into the DARK SIDE
Si Fu Lawrence & Bagaholic Tracie
soon to be "married off"
I Ching & Prince C
pls roll the red carpet tmrw morning in Ipoh
IPOH here I come!!!
Makan makan makan makan makan makan makan
Monkey & JS
out came a green tea mousse cake
a short speech before blowing the candle
quick!! make a wish!!!
*pic stolen fr Bagaholic Tracie's Nikon*
a slice of cake with fireworks candle
can't capture the sparkles though
group pix

Hope u folks have a blast as much as we did!!
tq for coming all the way fr spore
tq to Munchy for the superb honey liked Krug 95

Sage Restaurant & Wine Bar
Level 6, The Gardens Residence,
Lingkaran Syed Putra,
59200 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2268 1328


  1. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Dear Cherry,

    Love ur blog and consider myself an avid reader of urs. Envious feeling arises everytime when I read ur entries. Amazing n luxurious lifestyle of u both make me realise this world; on the other hand is still beautiful.

    Would like to take this opportunity to wish Terry a happy birthday, and u monkey, forever young and beautiful!


  2. Elly: Hi Elly!! Thank you so much for the wishes and how thoughtful of you. That was really sweet. :))

    I believe that life is as beautiful and happy as u make it to be coz we control our own lives :))). So you too live it up yea and be happy alwiz!!! :)))

    Thanks again for the support and continuously following this journal entries of a notti monkey. Hehehehe.

    Have a good weekend there. Cheers.

  3. Hi Beeree! The birthday celebration was lovely!

    Also want to wish Teeree a happy birthday!

  4. Anonymous3:24 PM

    oh, how honourable that you actually replied! Haha... I once tried to write a blog, but just couldnt continue as I myself not a good writer anyway.

    What amaze me the most is the way how you both enjoy and appreciate food. Being brought up in a small island called Labuan, life there is rather slow and steady. People there are less educate on so called 'fine dining'. If u ask me, I still dont know how to dine in the proper way not to mention tasting of good wines. Hell I really dont know how. :)

    In my wildest dream, I would dream seeing myself in your shoe, enjoying what u called LIFE. That's why everytime a new entry of yours, always put a smile on my face as you are one cool and hell funny chick! Not to say notti~~ :D

    Guess that is why Terry is so madly in love with you. Wish u both living happily ever after ok?

    Shall wait for ur Ipoh post then!


  5. Mee Mee: Thank you for the wishes. :) U got Teofu the coffee machine already? Did u also get him to solve the maze/puzzle? hehehe.

    Elly: Don't let anything hinder u from writing/blogging. If u dun start somewhere, u will never will. Right? :)))

    I started this blog to document my journey aka online journal and learnt a lot along the way. Remember u blog for your own, not for ppl. Then u shouldn't have much problem. :))) Good luck there Elly!!
