Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Da Domenico, Hong Kong

During our last trip in 2008,
Miss Monkey missed this top Italian restaurant in HK
coz she was down with flu

can u imagine being sick while u are traveling??
I hate that a lot!!!!

Da Domenico was recommended by Sommelier Randy
*Randy is now the Group Operation Director of Cepage Hong Kong*

and when we sat down....the Chef knew we were not local
and we were serious diners
while JS ordered off the menu.....the head waiter was on his toes the whole nite to serve us.

"eh...they think they know who u are but they are not.
JS: "Ha ha i think so too."
They highly recommended Scarmoza cheese grilled with aged balsamic vinegar
the cheese was just grilled perfectly with a thin crust on the outside
and my my my my my...the AGED balsamic vinegar must be as old as me coz it was darn good!!!!
see it was served on top of the cherry tomatoes
this was my favourite!!!
Sicilian clams cooked in white wine with Italian parsley
okie..by that time, confirmed Chef is from Sicily.
We have a fetish for Sicilian food :P
I was mopping the juices with bread :P
aragula salad with seriously aged parmesan
cherry tomatoes here were so so RED and SWEET
grilled SCAMPI!!!!
they were quite huge
juices on its HEAD
It was our first bottle fr Bolgheri and a very very Tuscan wine
fruity with a hint of dark chocolate
all vintage were produced in limited quantities
hey Mr. JS...now I remember the last non-burg wine I had :P
shall we have something to drink tonite? thirsty lar
Linguine campari with basil and prawns and Sicilian shrimps
JS went home and emulated this........
but so much of work to roast the prawns and basils etc
Tiramisu!!! don't be fooled by its look
the mascorpone were so smooth....with good taste sponge finngers dipped in freshly roasted coffee.....and brandy of coz. :P
yes eat sumore!!! and the face getting more rounded like a PIZZA!!!
this place is seriously cozy....limited tables..so reservation is a must
matching Panerai(s)
nowadays...we are alwiz doin the "matching stuffs" thingy.
dunno who copied who -_-"

"why are u wearing this colour??? u copied me!!!"
JS: "I didn't.......wat watch u wearing today? :)))"

JS: "U wearing Comme des Garcons today????
-_-" ok lor..u wear then i oso wear lor....

Da Domenico
8 Hoi Ping, Causeway Bay,
Hong Kong.
Tel: +852 2882 8013


  1. your time seems to be 1 min ahead of his? :P

  2. Nee Lee: Coz I am kiasu mar....*hiak hiak hiak*

  3. Anonymous7:26 AM

    it's linguine gambari(prawns in italian) :)that meal cost a bomb though......it's probably the most expensive restaurant in HK.....butttt, it's worth it!!

  4. JS: It's a top Italian restaurant mar....
