Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Citrus Madness

Vera Wang Of Cyprus Litsa & Saint Veeny

On a beautiful afternoon,
Vera Wang of Cyprus Litsa decided it's time to let this city slicker miss Monkey have an unforgettable experience at her orchard...

it's time to get dirty and we drove an hour to this place I forgot its name
passed the beautiful mountains
down the valley
I went mad seeing all the clementines hanging beautifully on the trees
just like lanterns!!!!
WAH I like!!! I wanttttt
from the trees straight to my mouth
*chomp chomp chomp*
Clementines were so sweet!!!! and juicy!!!
I like those with beautiful!!!
then there's ORANGES!!!so BIG!!!
and they were SO SWEET
I think I had a kilo of citrus at the orchard while plucking!!!!
JS plucked more for me
coz this short notti Monkey can't reach the top of the tree
those oranges which grew facing the sun tend to sweeter
greedy us!!!!
plucked so many!!!
can open up a stall at Limassol market and sel!!

and so we had oranges + clementines for breakfast,
lunch, snacks and dinner....

Dinos the Great: "These got to be the most expensive oranges in town."

Dinos the Great then pointed at my muddy shoes full of mud + soil + grass + leaves
"Plucked while wearing TODS shoes"


It's all worth it!!!
Thank u so much Vera Wang of Cyprus.
well, if u are wondering...she's the top bridal gown designer in town.


  1. ho ho ho, look at the happy face!

    btw, did you see YTL's new house on Dsara Heights?

  2. Kindy Chai: oooo very nice house there. Thanks for sharing!!! :)))
