Thursday, March 05, 2009

Christmas Brunch by Saint Veeny

I woke up not rushing to the xmas tree
coz we already opened up our pressies the nite before

but rushing down to the nice smell of roast gamon + turkey
and noises of ppl arriving
and started my xmas day with a HUGE BRUNCH
Saint Veeny = Saint in the kitchen
she made everything on her own including the above xmas cake
Saint Veeny here with Couchie George
in matching Comme des Garcons
I oso want that black cashmere cardigan!!!!
but Athina's boutique ran out of stock

Off topic:
Monkey visited her boutique on 24th Dec
everything ran out of stock :"(
She proudly presented me the only stocks left..
a crisp white shirt and a black skirt....that's all

"When is your next shipment fr France?"
Athina: "It would be January."
Saint Veeny carving the slow roasted turkey
it was pale in colour coz this momma was wrapped in bacons!!!!
Monkey went for the bacons only...the turkey?? errrrrr
sliced gamon
this was supposed to be the stuffing for the turkey
but it was made separately
with all the meat, u would love some greens too
and more!!!!
everyone digging in
my portion!!!
she also made some traditional walnut cookies eaten only during xmas
another dessert brought by Maro
it's actually a version of tiramisu
but Monkey was eye-ing this one all afternoon
circulating the table,
lookin at this lovely fruit cake
"Quick quick cut it!!! I want"
Host & hostess must cut it
one big slice for Monkey
I even brought some back to msia
Now where is it Mr. JS???

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