Tuesday, February 03, 2009


the menu looks like broadsheet newspaper eh???
this place is inside the meat market
and its specialties are SOUPS
all sort of soups
ppl workin here are as old as the shop
and they were so nice and friendly
it also served other home cooked traditional Greek food
everything also I wanna try
crispy deep fried fresh fish
the open concept kitchen with pots and pots of soup boiling!!!
pre cooked pastas and its sauces
the Chef & Monkey
he insisted that I play around at the counter serving customers...
ermm.....better not...I'll spill your soups and dishes and trample over the pots and pans
this place was discovered by Smiley Christiana
hence Couchie George brought us here in his smart office Armani attire

yeah wearing a suit to a market...sounds Greek rite?
but everyone does that in Athens....very well dressed.
so we may be weird looking to them wearing slipper, shorts, and torn tees to the market.
very very fresh bread
roast pork with chips
deep fried fresh sardines
Greek salad
the soup came separately from its chunks of goodies
a plate of fish + potatoes
and another deep plate of its hot juicy yummy super sweet fish soup
I like em spicy!!!
fish to be eaten with lotsa lemons
Someone who's Great ordered this...
he can never resist desserts and sweets
and another different dessert
so I was not surprised knowing he enjoyed it thoroughly.
spoon lickin, lips smacking....

Thank you to Couchie George for taking us here.

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